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This is Oneida: Things you might
not know about Oneida Baptist Institute

By Larry Gritton
Western Recorder, 2018
      1. Our original name was "Mamre Baptist College." The name was changed to "Oneida Baptist Institute" in 1904.

      2. Many of our founding trustees were illiterate and signed our original charter with an "X".

      3. Our founder, James Anderson Burns, spoke in every state in the union to promote the work of Oneida in the early 1900s.

      4. We have had twelve school presidents. Five of the twelve were Oneida graduates. The only female president was Sylvia Russell.

      5.Our first international student came from Iran in 1955.

      6. We have had nearly 4,000 graduates, but nearly 40,000 students.

      7. We have a working farm and an FFA chapter.

      8. All of our boarding students have a job and perform much of the needed work on our campus. We do not employee any custodians.

      9. Over 40 percent of our students are commuting students. Bus routes bring in many of these students.

      10. Over 40 percent of our students attend tuition-free. About 40% pay our full fees, which are not close to what it actually costs us to house, feed, and educate a student. The other 20 percent pay a tuition rate somewhere between free and the full fee.

      11. Two-thirds of our funding comes from giving.

      12. We have a chapel service every school day.

      13. In one school year in the 1990's we had over 100 Ethiopian students. The president of Ethiopia's son is a recent Oneida graduate.

      14. Bert T. Combs, who went on to be Governor of Kentucky, was an Oneida student during his middle school years.

      15. Our youngest-ever boarding student, Jen-Hsun Huang, who attended as a nine-year-old, went on to found a mega company called Nvidia.

      16. We have eleven state championships, seven of which were in the sport of fencing.

      17. We own property in Breathitt County. It was given to us by The Magoffin Bible Institute after it closed.

      18. We are now in our 119th year of ministry.

      Even if you didn't know all or some of these facts, I am sure you know that God has had His almighty hand upon the work and ministry of Oneida for a very long time. Oneida is an amazing little place, but our Lord is an even more amazing God.


[From Western Recorder, April 3, 2018