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A New Building For The Mission School At Onedia, Kentucky
The Baptist Argus, 1901
      Onedia Mission School is to have a new brick school building to cost about $4,000, so built that additions may be made when more room is needed. It is the gift of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Marvin, of Louisville. Mrs. Marvin's sewing class of girls have for a year been making sachets, etc., for the other building which will, as needed, be turned into a dormitory.

      The Marvins give about $4,200 on condition that the Onedia people raise $1,500; $460 of which is to pay off a debt on the present building and the remainder to fit up the two buildings and to aid in putting up the new building so that a portion of the gift may go to adding an assistant teacher.

      Prof. J. A. Burns is in the city, having come by request. He says he can easily get the $1,500 for his people will give lumber, hauling, work and cash as long as they have any to give. He is happy indeed, saying that now his people will confidently believe in the future of their school and so feel warranted in putting their all into it. Fifty lots have been purchased by citizens in and about the village, who will now be ready to build. He says they will call the building Marvin Hall in honor of those who have helped them at this and previous times.


[From The Baptist Argus, August 8, 1901, p. 9; via Baylor U. digital On-line documents. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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