Baptist History Homepage
Bullittsburg Baptist Churchbook
Boone County, Kentucky, 1827

[p. 148]

January Meeting 1827

At a Meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh Meetinghouse on Saturday the 6th day Jan'y 1827.
Bro Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r.

Bro. John Rofs laid in a Complaint against himself for haivng become intoxicated & in that state getting into a violent pafsion and acting very imprudently. The matter was taken up, & he heard & found guilty of sin, but upon his acknowledgement & apparent repentance is restored.
The reference respecting bro. Michael Lyons was taken up & although we have not heard from bro. Ward as was requested in the commencement of this investigation - yet from the length of time that has elapsed since this case was taken under consideration - and from some further corraborating circumstances this day rec'd in addition & ^ in / confirmation of the charges first made - Whereupon on motion the Church proceed to act in the case, & by a vote Michael Lyons is found guilty of sin & satisfaction not being given he is excluded - and it is agreed that our Bro. Clerk write to Bro. Ward as clerk of the church at flat rock & Who hold the latter given to Michael Lyons what this church has done —
The reference respecting Milly & Lucy was taken up & they being absent , on motion — the refreence is cont'd until our next
It is reported to this church that Bro. Wm. Crifsenberry departed this life a few days ago. —

An obituary notice of Sister Ann Graves's death, was produced, read and agreed that it be Recorded — which is as follows:
Our Sister Ann Graves departed this life on the 11th day of Nov. last, aged 85 years, she had been afflicted with the palsy for about nine years, which with old age seem'd to cause her death without any other particular disease or pain — during the whole of her life she uniformly evinced the Strongest disposition to relieve the distress and to strengthen the weak & to comfort the comfortless & to divide the fruits of her labour with the poor, after she embraced the Christian religion her disposition was more associated to Christian Charity — & she invariably exercised it, particularly toward the needy within her knowledge — she seem'd to well recollect "It is more blessed to give than to receive" & it appeared as if "her prayers were heard. Her alms had in remembrance in the sight of God." — for she is as among the first of a numerous family connection who obtained the religion of our Saviour, which was in the year [blank] in Virginia where she then lived & she join'd the baptist Church at Blue Run — In the year 1797 with the most of her family she removed to Kentucky & settled near to & Join'd our church at Bullittsburgh where she continued until her death. from the time of her conversion she manifested the greatest solicitude & continual engagement for the promotion of the redeemers Kingdom on earth, & for its eternal blessings to be bestowed upon the unconcerned generally but more especially upon on those of her own household & offspring in which she was so singallly [blurred] favor'd. Her pray'rs so wonderfully answered so that even in Bullittsburgh church she had the pleasure of living in membership with & said numbered among her Brethren her husband John Graves who died about 11 months before she did aged 88 years — & with ten of her own children — twenty nine of her grand children & two of her great grand children, while nearly every other of her near relaitives & ascendants of sufficient age had join'd other churches of the Same deniomination — Thus with us it may be said that she was not only a mother, but a grandmother & great grand mother in Israel both literally & spiritually speaking, Such was the tendernap of her feelings & peculiarly of her disposition that it always appeared to give her pain & a degree of uneasiness to hear any human being spoken of lightly or disrespectfully, and it is said that she at all times carefully avoided even the rehearsal of any thing that might operate to the injury or prejudice of any person whatever, & unless she could speak well of a person she was silent — rare as it may appear it can be said of her that she stood through life not only blameless in the church but before the world also — never having injured or given offence to anyone but was guided by the wisdom that descends from above & such as was pure [?cible] gentle & easy to be entreated full of mercy & good fruits without partiality or hypocracy.

[p. 149]
February Meeting 1827

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh Meetinghouse on Saturday the 3rd day of February 1827.
Bro Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r.

The reference respecting Milly & Lucy was taken up & they being absent on motion it is cont'd until our next meeting
Upon appreciation it is agreed that Letters of dismission be granted to Bro. Griffin Bonnell & Nancy his wife
Agreed that we be adjourn'd until Our meeting in Course

Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r.

At a meeting of the Church at Bullittsburgh Meeting house on Saturday the 3rd day of March 1827.
Bro Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r.

The Reference respecting Milly & Lucy was taken up and Lucy being Present & heard and she giving satisfaction is restored — and Milly being absent & not able to attend Our meeting on motion the reference as to her is continued
On motion of Bro. William B. Haydon it is agreed that we take into consideration the subject of our free males members absenting themselves and failing to attend our church meetings — and it is further agreed, that we send for such, when it may be deemed expedient
Bro. Edw'd Graves reported to this church that Bro. Pem Price has absented himself & failed to attend our church meeetings for a considerable length of time. It is agreed that Bro. Willis Graves be appointed to see Bro. Price upon the subject & report to our next meeting —
Bro. William ^ M / Gaines also reported that Bro. Wm Weldon has absented himself & failed to attend our church meetings for some considerable length of time.
It is agreed that Bro. Wm. M Gaines be appointed to see Bro. Weldon upon this subject & report to our next meeting

Agreed that we be adjourned until our meeting in course
Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r
[p. 150]
April Meeting 1827

At a church meeting for the church at Bullittsburgh Meetinghouse On Saturday the 7th of April 1827.
Bro Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r.

Bro. Clifton Hensley laid in a complaint against himself for have been guilty of becoming intoxicated with spiritous liquors several times — The matter was taken & he heard by a vote of the church he is found guilty of sin — and failing to give satisfaction is suspended —
The reference respecting Milly was taken up — & she being absent & unable to attend our meeting — on motion it is agreed that the reference be continued
Bro. Pem Price attended agreeably to the request of our last meeting & gave the church satisfaction for his absence —
The reference respecting Bro. W. Weldon was taken up. Bro Wm Graves reported that he had seen him & that it was his wish to attend to day but was out of his power, it is therefore cont'd —
Upon application , It is agreed that a letter of dismifsion be granted Bro. Taylor Cave.
A request from the church at The forks of Gunpowder was rec'd for helps to attend them on the third Saturday in this month to give them and in a matter of difficulty respecting Bro. Wilson — upon consideration it is agreed to send six of our members as helps upon that occasion. To wit Brethren Robt. Kirtley Winfield Early, Edw'd Graves Rowland Botts Joseph Botts & Reuben Graves

Agreed that we be adjourned until our meeting in course
Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r
[p. 151]
May Meeting 1827

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh Meeting house Saturday the 5th of April 1827.
Bro Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r.

The reference respecting Milly was taken up & she not attending nor able to attend on motion the reference be cont'd until our next meeting
The reference respecting Bro. Hensley was taken up & he being absent the matter is continued until our next meeting —
The reference respecting Bro. W. Weldon was taken up & he being absent the matter is continued until our next meeting —
Bro. Jefse Terrill reported to this church that he had obtained the latter of dismifsion granted to him by this church, but had not found any other church — & that he had removed back into this neighbourhood & wanted to become a member of this church again which was agreed to — & his name enrolled accordingly —
upon application — It is agreed that a letter of dismifsion be granted to Bro. Lewis Campbell

Agreed that we be adjourned until our meeting in course
Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r

June Meeting 1827

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh at their Meeting house Saturday the 2nd day of June 1827.
Bro Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r.

The reference respecting Milly was taken up & she being absent & yet unable to attend on motion the reference be continued until our next meeting
The reference respecting Bro. C. Hensley was taken up & he appearing & giving satisfaction is restored

[p. 152]
June Meeting 1827

The reference respecting Bro. W. Weldon was taken up & he being present & gave Satisfaction to the church — A letter was received & read from the church at Mount Zion in Missouri written by Bro. Uriel Sebree setting forth that Bill a black man and an excluded member of this church who formerly belonged to Bro. Jno. Terrill had been removed to the neighbourhood of their church, and that Bill had related to their church a desire to become a member with them, and given them a statement of the cause for which he was excluded — and they request of this church to give them a statement of Bills standing while in this church, and also give them liberty to do with Bill as their church might think best — It is agreed that said letter be answered by giving them the standing of Bill as a member when he was with us & in doing which, to give it as it appears upon our records & that the church at Mount Zion be at liberty to act at their discretion in relation to receiving Bill in Union with them — and if any member of this church knows certainly of any improper act of Bill's which has come to his knowledge since Bills exclusion any such member is at liberty to add it to said letter — and Brethren Rob't Kirtley & Willis Graves are appointed to prepare and forward said letter — [The churchbook of November, 1812 refers to Bill's exclusion. - jrd]
Upon application — It is agreed that a letter of dismifsion be granted to Bro. Nathan Bullock & his wife —
Agreed that we be adjourned until our meeting in course
Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r
[p. 153]
July Meeting 1827

At a Church meeting for the church at Bullittsburgh on Saturday 7th July 1827.
Bro Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r.

The reference respecting Milly was taken up — and it appearing that she is as yet unable to attend our meeting — on motion the reference be continued until our next meeting —
It is agreed that we now choose by private ballot, some brother to write our letter to the approaching afsociation, and also six ^ of our / members as mefsengers to said afsociation. Whereupon Brother Willis Graves is appointed to write the letter — and Brethren Robt. Kirtley Whitfield Early Edw'd Graves Joseph Botts George Gaines & Willis Graves as mefsengers to bear it —
It is reported to this church that Sister Nancy Boswell who not long since obtained a letter of dismifsion from us, has departed this life before she Join'd any other church.
It is also reported to this church that Sister Sally Graves daughter of Bro. James Graves has departed this life a few days since —
On motion It is agreed that in our letter to the Afsociation We request the appointment of a yearly meeting at Bullittsburgh Meeting house on the 3rd Saturday [-] Munday in Oct next.

Agreed that we be adjourned until our meeting in course
Rob't. Kirtley Mod'r
[p. 154]
August Meeting 1827

At a Church meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh Meeting house 1st Saturday in August 1827.
Bro Robert Kirtley our Moderator being absent & Bro. William Whitaker of Sandrun church being present & invited acted at Moderator

The reference respecting Milly was taken up and she being present & heard and giving satisfaction she is restored to fellowship
The letter to the afsociation was produced & read and approved, and it is agreed that in our request for a yearly meeting the time be changed to the 5th Saturday and Sunday in Oct September

Agreed that we be adjourned until our meeting in course
William Whitaker Mod'r

Sept. Meeting 1827

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh Meeting house 1st Saturday in Sept'r 1827.
Bro Robert Kirtley Mod'r

There being no business of any description introduced for the Church to act upon It is agreed that we be adjourned, & do invite Brethren Harris & Whitaker to preach to us Att

Willis Grves Clk
Robert Kirtley Mod'r
[p. 155]
October Meeting 1827

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh meeting house on Saturday the 6th day of October 1827.
Bro Robert Kirtley Mod'r

Upon application, it is agreed that letters of dismifsion be granted unto Bro. Anthony M. Leek & his wife. Also to Sister Lavina Stephens —
The Brother Deacons made ^ a / report to the church relative to the funds of the church in their hands which is received, by which it appears that they have paid out to the amount of $19.37 1/2 cents —
And on motion it is agreed by the church that the Bro. Deacons apportion a sum from $15.00 to $20.00 on the free white males members of this Church and make report to our next meeting —
Brother Martin Lantz brought in a complaint against bro Clifton Hensly for detaining a mare that he said Hensly had swapt away to said Lantz, said John a minor, the matter was taken up and investigated and he found guilty of sin and failure to give satisfaction is suspended. —

Robert Kirtley Mod'r

At a church meeting for the church at Bullittsburgh on Saturday the 3rd day of Nov'r 1827.
Bro Robert Kirtley Mod'r

Bro. John Barnard & Sister Elizabeth Barnard his wife rec'd by letter.
The Bro. Deacons made a report of the apportionment in which the sum of $19.87 in apportionment among the free male members of this church which report is rec'd by the church accordingly
It is reported to this church that Bro. Charles McCarty one of our members has lately departed this life
On motion of Bro. James Graves it is agreed we take in consideration the propriety of appointing one or more moderators that matter was taken up. & after consideration it is agreed to appoint two additional moderators — & on motion it is agreed that the matter of appointment be refered until our next meeting —
The reference respecting Bro. Hensly was taken up & he being absent on motion it is agreed that it be posponed until our next meeting

Agreed that we be adj'd
Robert Kirtley Mod'r
[p. 156]
Dec'r Meeting 1827

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in Dec'r 1827.
Bro Robert Kirtley Mod'r

The reference respecting Bro. Hensly was taken up he being & heard, and not giving satisfaction to all he is still suspended & the matter accordingly continued until our next meeting —
The reference respecting the appointment of two additional moderators was taken up, & on motion it a___ that a vote be taken, by private poll, which being done & Brehren Joseph Botts & Edward Graves having the highest number & a majority of the votes. They are thjerefore appointed as the two additional moderators of this church —
On motion it is agreed that bible be purchased for the use of the church and that Bro. Robert Kirtley be appointed to procure such a one he may think will best suite& the Bro. Deacons of this are to pay for it —
Bro. Reuben Graves made application to this church for for a letter of dismifsion for himself and his wife, the granting of which letter to Bro. Graves to opposed by Bro. Michael Glore upon this grounds, that he has not fellowship for Bro. Graves & that his fellowship has never been restored for him since the former diffiuclty between them in this church — upon motion it is agreed that this matter be posponed until our next meeting With this requisition of Bro. glore that he take proper steps to restore his fellowship with Bro. Graves if pofsible before our next meeting and if it is not restored that he make out his charges in writing and exhibit them at our next meeting —

Agreed that we be adjourn'd
Robert Kirtley Mod'r
Test - Willis Graves CK

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