The following is the record of the Middle Creek [now Belleview] Baptist Church participation in the constitution of the Big Bone Baptist Church:
At a middle Creek church meeting the 2nd Saturday in April 1843
Whereas sundry members of this church residing South of Gunpowder Creek having agreed to enter into the constitution of a church in the vicinity of Gen Wallaces and whereas the following brethren and sisters to Wit having requested this church to grant them the privilege to constitute and become a seperate church, the matter was taken up and after deliberation it was agreed by the church that those brethren and sisters and such others as may think proper have our approbation to enter into the proposed constitution if it should be thought expedient -
S. P. Brady Clk - Robert Kirtley Mod At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in May 1843.
In Compliance with a request by brethren Robert Huey; James R. Hawkins and Samuel Mason from the brethren and sisters who at our last meeting received the approbation of this church in the course they had taken, to send them helps to afsist in their contemplated constitution on the 25th of the present month; we agree to send the following brethren to wit; John W Roe Wm Huey, Wm Garnett, John Brady, Eligah Hogan, Aron Delp, Richard Botts, D. M. Scott, Wm Ryle, and Sebern P. Brady -At a Middle creek church meeting the 2nd Saturday in June 1843 - Br. Wm Huey reports that the helps sent to the constitution near Gen. Wallaces met according to appointment and the constitution was gone into.
============ [From Middle Creek [Belleview] Baptist Churchbook, transcribed by Michael Capek, Taylor Mill, KY and located in the Boone County Public Library, Scheben Branch, Union, KY.]
From page 25 of the Minutes of the Burlington (KY) Baptist Church:
Sunday the 16th day of April 1843. Brother John Riley a Member from Middle creek church made a request on the part of the members of said church residing near General Wallace,s for helps from the church in that vicinity which is granted And the following brethren appointed (to wit) Benj. Cave, Squire G. Scott, Robert Wilson P. C. Scott and Randal Latimer
From page 26 of the Minutes of the Burlington (KY) Baptist Church:
At a meeting of the Baptist church at Burlington in the Court house on the 3rd Saturday in June 1843 (being their regular day of church business] After praise and prayer proceeded to business The helps appointed to assist in the constitution of a baptist Church on the 26th day of May last in the vicinity of General Wallace,s - Report that they were all in attendance at the appointed time and place and that Said contemplated church was constituted accordingly by 44 members, called by the name of the Big bone
R Latimer, Clk [From Burlington Baptist Churchbook. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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