Record Book
No. 3
September 14th 1872
At a meeting of the Church at Middle Creek Sat. Sept. 14th 1872
Bro R E Kirtley Mod,
A request was received from the Church at Big Bone, asking Council to meet with on the 4th Sat. in this month at which time they expect to set apart by ordination C T Rice to the office of Deacon. The Church agreed to send the following brethren—viz—John Acra Jno. S Huey L P Arnold, J J Ryle Geo. Walton L Huston R H & S P Brady.
A similar request was received from the Church at Bullittsburg to meet with them first Sat in Oct. as they have in view the ordination of John Winston to the office Deacon—. Agreed to send the following named brethren—to wit. John Acra R H Botts J Tom Marshall W S Ryle. Geo Walton L P Arnold, J S Huey & S P Brady.
On motion Adj S P Brady Clk.At a Meeting of the Church at Middle Creek Sat Oct 12th 1872
Bro R E Kirtley Mod.
Bro. J S Huey reported that the brethren appointed to attend Big Bone and Bulittsburg Churches met at the time appointed, and that brethren Rice and Winston were ordained Deacons of their respective Churches.
On motion Adj S P Brady Clk.Church met Saturday Nov 7th 1872—No business—Adj—
At a meeting of the Church at Middle Creek Sat Dec 14th 1872
R E Kirtley Mod.
Bro. Elijah Ryle reported the death of Bro. George Walton who departed this life 11th of Nov. last.
Upon application letters of dismission were granted to Bro John Clutter and Sister Mary Clutter his wife-
Bro R L Thurman being present was invited to preach.
S P Brady Clk.1
Church met Saturday January 11th 1873. R E Kirtley in the chair. No business-Adj—At a meeting of the Church at Middle Creek Sat. Feb. 8th 1873
Bro R E Kirtley Mod.
Received by experience for baptism Josiah H Walton.
Bro. J S Huey reported the death of Bro. William Ryle who departed this life on the 30th of January last.
By request a letter of dismission was granted to Sister Maggie Callahan.
On motion Adj— S P Brady Clk.At a meeting of the Church at Middle Creek Sat. March the 8th 1873
Bro R E Kirtley Mod
By request a letter of dismission was granted to Sister Z E Green formerly Sis Marshall—
The subject as regards granting letters of dismission was taken up-discussed and refered—
Adj— S P Brady Clk.At a meeting of the Church at Middle Creek Sat. April 12th l873—
Bro R E Kirtley Mod.
The reference in regard to granting letters of dismission was taken up and continued
Bro J S Huey Treas. offered his report as regards the finances of the Church for the year ending April 1st—report adp.
By request a letter of dismission was granted to Bro Lewis Ryle—
On motion Adj— S P Brady Clk.At a meeting of the Church at Middle Creek Sat. May 10th 1873
Bro R E Kirtley Mod.
Bro. J S Muey brought in a charge against Bro Joshua Rice—who obtained a letter of dismission from this Church several years ago—and still holds said letter—for disorderly walking and habitual drunkeness—The matter was taken up. The Church decided that Bro Rice had sinned and by a vote withdraw her fellowship from said brother.
Bro J S Huey reported the death of John Flournoy a brother of Color who departed this life on the 16th of April last—On motion Adj—
S P Brady Clk.2