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Mr. [Adoniram] Judson's Journal
No. 5.
The American Baptist Magazine, 1832

      I am surprised to see, that my last date is three months ago. The truth is, I have been so absorbed in translating, that I have been hardly sensible of the lapse of time. I am just finishing the books of Isaiah and Genesis, having kept them along together, the one by way of refreshment after the toil of the other. I have done but little missionary work, except distributing tracts and superintending the native assistants. But as Genesis, Psalms, Solomon's Song, Isaiah and Daniel, some of the most important books of the old Testament, are now just done, I propose to change my course of labor.

      Moung En is settled with me, having brought his wife, Mee Nenyay from Maulmein. His department is to receive company at the house - His wife assists her husband, and also teaches a small school of four children at present, two of them belonging to Moung San-loon, formerly of Maulmein, but now settled in Rangoon. Moung San-loon the 2d. (or Tsanloon, as I will write his name in future, to distinguish it from the other) is becoming a valuable assistant. It is his business to go about the place, distribute tracts and converse wherever he can get an opportunity; and he sometimes makes short excursions to the neighboring villages. He frequently meets with very rough treatment, which, as far as I can learn, he bears well.

      It has been my habit for several months past, to perambulate the streets every morning, about sunrise, distributing tracts to those who ask. At first, I gave away fifteen or twenty a day. The average has now risen to seventy. We think, from inquiry and observation, that very few are destroyed. They are in almost every house, and are read in private. - The truth is unquestionably spreading. Were it not for the fear of government, I think the spread in this place would be rapid. There are a good many hopeful inquirers, but when they arrive at a certain point, their visits become few and far between. They see the Rubicon before them and dare not pass. The number of such persons is continually increasing. This cannot last always. God will, I trust, make a bridge to facilitate their passage.

      I hear that Br. Wade has raised up a church of fourteen Karens, in the neighborhood of Maulmein, and that Br. Kincaid and Br. Jones have large and attentive assemblies from the army. Pour out, O Lord, thy Holy Spirit upon all our feeble efforts, that we may be more successful, and upon thy baptized people at home, that they may begin at last to wake up to the subject of

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missions, even though they have been sleeping these eighteen years —not to say centuries

      June 6th. I hear that three more natives and three Europeans have joined the churches at Maulmein. But at the same time, I am distressed to hear that Mrs. Wade is rapidly sinking, and that nothing can save her life but a long voyage. To this measure, her attending physician, Dr. Brown, has long urged her. But her extreme reluctance to ‘leave all she loves below the skies and go off’ seemed to be an insuperable objection. At length, the brethren met and formally advised her to go home immediately, and Brother Wade to accompany her, partly on account of his own health which is daily getting worse. A copy of their resolutions they sent to me, and I have sent back my entire approbation. I should not wonder, if they were now on their way to Bengal. I hope that they are!

      I have also written to the brethren to know what I shall do with myself in the mean time. I know not whether they can keep the press moving without me.

      However it is a comfort, that those last arrived are on the ground, and I cannot but sanguinely hope, that dear brother and sister Wade will, in due time, return with renovated health and a fresh reinforcement.
     A. JUDSON.


[From The American Baptist Magazine, 1832, pp. 30-31. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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