Baptist History Homepage

By J. R. Graves

"Now shall the prince of this world be cast out." - JOHN 12:31.

      A SINGLE sober glance at the present condition of this world; at the conduct of human rulers; at the condition of the population; at the whole course and direction of this world, should be enough to satisfy any man that Satan is the prince of the world, and rules and reigns triumphantly, and almost supremely. Facts sustain the assertion of the Bible that the devil is the prince of this world; that all the governments of the earth, and the glory of them, are his and he giveth them to whomsoever he wills: and those who know his character best know that he gives them, not to the most deserving, but to his best friends, and to those who will do his will and pleasure.

      Look at the facts written upon the history of the ages. Satan gained his first conquest over race in the garden of Eden; and his victory was signal and complete. The garden of God was made
Preached in the First Baptist Church, Memphis, Tenn., soon after the evacuation of the city by the Federal troops, and reported by the Memphis Appeal.

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a desolation, and emptied of its sinful inhabitants; and the whole dumb earth, though guiltless of wrong, and radiant and blushing in virgin innocence and loveliness, was cursed for man's sake - cursed, since it was to be the future abode, the seat and throne of the great enemy of God and man - Satan.

      The succeeding age witnessed the continued triumph of the king of evil. God appointed a worship, an altar, and sacrifice of blood, significant of man's sinfulness, and that without remission, by the shedding of the blood of the offender or a substitute, there could be no salvation; and the sacrifice of the innocent lamb typified and pointed forward to the "seed of the woman," the true Lamb of God, who was to come and take away the sins of the world; - forward to which sacrifice the true worshipper was to look, and by faith believe on Him who was to come as his Saviour and Redeemer. But, through Cain, Satan corrupted this worship by substituting what God had not appointed for what He had; he stirred up the pride and false reason of the human heart to change God's ordinance; to substitute the dictations of man's conscience for the express command of God.

     So Cain brought the fruit of the ground instead of a lamb without spot or blemish, and thus became the father and representative of all who have, from his day, corrupted and counterfeited the worship of God by substituting human forms, human

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doctrines and rites and ordinances, for God's appointments. All idolatrous worship, and all human religions, and all churches set up by men have sprung from this source. The world is this day filled with them; they are triumphant everywhere, universally popular, and multiplying while those who have, as did Abel, and Enoch, and Noah, and Seth, preserved the primitive and true worship amid the general corruption, are few, and are despised, hated and persecuted; and their history written in their blood.

      From the garden to the deluge, by corrupting God's worship, Satan reigned, so that when the wickedness of man became so great God could no longer endure it, and swept off the whole race with a flood, only eight persons of the living millions, at the close of the first sixteen hundred years, were found upright in the sight of God. Who will doubt that Satan was the prince of that age?

      The history of the world from the deluge until the advent of Jesus Christ, a period of three thousand years, is scarcely brighter. The sons of God - the supporters of His true worship, were soon corrupted by the fascinations of rites and pomps of human and devil-invented worships; and the world soon fell under the scepter of the enemy, and he ruled and reigned again supreme, through religions opposed to God's religion, through civil governments opposed, in principle, to the government God appointed.

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      Through the influence of Satan, man soon rejected both that form of worship and of government through which God was acknowledged as man's creator and rightful king, for Satanic forms of worship and modes of government. God said to Samuel: "The people . . . have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me," by wishing a king like the nations around them to rule over them.

      Glance your eye over the history of the ages from the deluge to the advent, and see that it is a history of universal and most fearful wickedness; a history of crime, of mighty wrong, of oppression, of corruption and vice the human mind can scarce conceive of. Tribes in deadly strife with tribes; nations dashing against nations in the terrible conflicts of the battlefield; the earth everywhere blackened by the desolations of war; its fairest islands and loveliest vales bathed in blood, while gaunt famine and pestilence have followed hard upon the footsteps of war, and death and hell have brought up the rear. Look at the picture of human corruption, human wickedness and human war; look at every civil government, corrupted in the hands of even its professed friends, and everywhere else rejected for the worship of devils - look at this, and say if Satan was not, through this long period, the prince of the world.

     Need I add more, a crowning fact, startling with terror! Christ the creator, God's own Son, the

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rightful ruler of the race, and rightful king of this earth, saw the awful ruin, degradation and woe into which Satan had plunged the race and, moved with pity, came to save them; came to redeem them from under the cruel hand of Satan, and restore a sin-cursed and sin-polluted world to the beauty and glory of a world of light, and make a fit dwelling place for God, and the holy and pure. He came to His own people, to His own kingdom, and His own received Him not; but as ravening wolves receive a lamb, they seized Him, and hung Him to a tree. This was the act of those who were the priests and teachers of His own appointed worship, of His own professed friends. Look upon the world's face when the mangled, tortured body of the Son of God lay in the darkness of Joseph's tomb, and say if Satan was not then the triumpant prince of this world! The witnesses and true friends of God were but a handful; and their lives were only preserved from the sword by the power of God.

      We cannot doubt the fact asserted by Satan to the face of Christ Himself, and not denied or questioned by the Son of God. Thus it is recorded: "The devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world," and said: "All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them; for that is delivered unto me, and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine." Christ did not question his claim; and His silence

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then gave assent to it; and He everywhere else affirmed the sad fact. In our text He acknowledges him as the prince of this world; in other places He gives him the same title, though he is an usurper of the rights of the prince of heaven, God's own Son. When He appeared as heir, Satan bruised His heel - slew Him, and cast Him out of his dominions. And thus we see Christ is an exile from the earth - banished from among men; and the general voice of mankind was then, "We will not have this man to reign over us"; not this Jesus, but Barabbas; not Christ be our king, but Satan.

      Two thousand years have nearly passed since Christ was driven from the earth by the power of Satan; and what does the history of these twenty centuries teach us? That Satan has been dethroned and cast out, or has he maintained his cursed power? Has he yet been bound under the hatchments of the pit, or is he to-day. everywhere triumphant? Alas, alas! There is, there can be, but one answer - the devil reigns.

      The facts of history show that the first advent of Christ, and the organization of His visible kingdom on the earth, the antitype of His natural Israel, has not, after the lapse of two thousand years, offered the least check to the reign of Satan as prince of the earth; nor, judging from the past or the present, have we any grounds to believe that two thousand centuries more would do so. As in the days of Cain, so now, by his corruptions of the

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religion Christ came to establish, and by his uncounted and constantly multiplying and successful counterfeits of Christianity, he has yearly been strengthening his power, and extending his influence over the nations. He reigns over the nations:

I. As the god of religious worship, being the author of all manner of religions, and the persecutor of the true.

      He was not satisfied with having slain the Prince of Peace, but he instigated a murderous, unrelenting, exterminating warfare upon all His followers, if possible, to blot them from the earth. Through Saul and others, he made havoc of the Church; "he breathed out fire and slaughter"; he dragged the last apostle to martyrdom. The blood of the true witnesses of Jesus, from the blood of John the Baptist, the first Christian minister, mingled at the foot of the cross with the blood of the martyred Founder of Christianity, has flowed down, and its stream has been fed and widened and deepened by the blood of the unnumbered millions of those "who have not worshipped the beast, nor the image, neither have received his mark in their hands, or on their foreheads;" who have never symbolized with the Papacy, and are not daughters of that mother Church; so that it can be said to-day as truly as it was said in Christ's day "from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heanen suffereth violence, and the violent seek to make havoc of it."

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      Three centuries convinced him that he could not exterminate the followers of Christ by the sword, the rack, the prison, and the stake; and he resorted to the means he instituted, first, through Cain, and practiced through Balaam, and all false prophets and teachers and priests from that day to this; that is, to corrupting Christianity by changing the forms of church organization, it rites, its ordinances, its memberships and, finally, its vital and fundamental doctrines; and instigating men, religious men, too, to set up organizations, and call them the true churches of Christ, and so deceive the world, and even many of the friends of Christ, into these human counterfeits of Christ's true churches; hence, true Christianity has been almost supplanted by these.

      Therefore in the fourth century, we hear the voice of Constantine, the Caesar of the Roman empire, summoning all Christian ministers to a council for the purpose of reorganizing the churches of Christ, and shaping them so that they could support his throne. He was already the high-priest of the pagan religion, and wished to be head of the Christian Church. The ministers of the principle cities and towns throughout the empire, tempted by the proffers of power, and gold, and rich living, and state churches, yielded. The new orgainization was called the Catholic Church; but thousands throughout the country spurned with indignation this usurpation of the rights of Christ by

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Caesar, and refused to acknowledge a human head, and denounced and disfellowshipped the new Church as "the synagogue of Satan"; they baptized all whom they converted from the Catholics, and were therefore called Anabaptists.

      This Catholic Church soon divided into two parts, or bodies: the western was called the Roman, or Latin, Church, the eastern the Greek Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic, in the sixteenth century, became the mother of numerous branches. All the Protestant churches acknowledge Rome to be the mother Church; and when you hear Protestants speak of "branches of the Church," you can understand them to mean that the trunk, or body, is the Roman Church. The Anabaptists, now called Baptists, never did belong to Rome, and never branched from that trunk, and therefore belong not to the Protestant family. Sir Isaac Newton, himself a Protestant, declared that "the Baptists are the only churches that never symbolized with Rome."

      By the multiplication of religions, and societies which claim to be true Christian churches, in the world, false doctrines and worships, Satan is increasing his influence over the minds of men. The world believes these false religions and churches to be true; and their doctrines, and their worship and rites are more pleasing to them than the true.

      Since the sixteenth century, all the Protestant organizations have been originated; and in the lifetime

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of some before me, no less than six new religions and churches have been set up. Is it Christian charity or treason to Christ to admit these to be Christian churches, and equal to Christ's churches?

      While Satan is free to deceive the nations can his power over them be neutralized by the Gospel as here administered? Can he be dethroned by present agencies?

II. But Satan Reigns to-day triumphantly over the nations through civilized governments, through which he opposes and oppresses Christianity.

      We have seen that he is a very religious devil, having hundreds of churches where Christ had one: it is also true that he is the prince of politicians.

      God gave His ancient people one form of civil government. It was a simple theocracy; all the laws emanated from divinity, and were entrusted to judges to be executed. They were, therefore, perfectly just, and perfectly adapted to man's wants: but like the government of Christ's Church, it was simple and unostentatious, without the glitter of pomp and splendour of human governments; and Satan, exciting the pride and vainglory in the people's hearts, moved them to despise the authority of God, and demand a king, as the nations of the world then had. God, by His prophet, warned them faithfully of the many and heavy evils and oppressions, and slavery to one man, they would entail upon themselves in preferring a Satanic form

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of government to his; but they rejected God, and chose a monarch. And from that time until this, all the civil governments of the world have been in the hands, and under the direction of Satan; and he has given them, and the glory of them, to his most deserving friends and servants.

      He has been a very fair devil in this. Those who have most fully sold themselves to him to do his will, and practice his arts, have generally succeeded to the chief places in earthly governments. All earthly governments have given their power and influence in favour of a false worship; have had state churches in their pay, and persecuted the churches of Christ. The state church is preminently the church of politicians and the rulers of this world. By the hands of these state churches, the blood of millions of the witnesses of Jesus has been shed, and Christianity corrupted in all lands.

      Thus, under the reign of Satan, since the days of Nimrod, the earth has groaned under the oppression of tyrants; right is crushed into the dust under the iron heel of overpowering might and wrong; poor, wronged, outraged humanity, robbed of its heaven-born rights, lies crushed beneath the throne of despotism, and the altars of priestcraft, crucified, like its Redeemer, between two thieves. The wailing groans of the world's population have been ascending up from every continent, and from every isle, for ages; and with every century, and every year, the groan deepens, and the wail loudens.

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There are those who have, for years, preached to us a political and religious millennium soon to dawn: is there a ray of light above the dark clouds of gloom that have rolled down upon the nations? "Watchman, what of the night?" Is there any hope for humanity? For earth's wronged millions? None for Poland? None for Hungary? None for Ireland? None for our overpowered, crushed and bleeding South? None - none while Satan reigns and rules. The pages of revelation point forward only to the universal distress of nations, and wars with all their horrible consequences, multiplying with the years, until men's hearts fail them through fear of the more terrible things to come.

      I here confess I have been interested in the success of a peculiar form of government for our noble South. I believed that the conservatism of a peculiar system of labour and a separation from those who had resolved to overthrow it was the best for us, and promised a glorious future to us; and that it was the inalienable right of thirteen states and ten millions of freemen to rule themselves, and no treason to assert it. Nor will I deny that every desire of my soul and prayer of my heart and effort of my hand consistent with my profession were for it; and were I to die to-day for it, I dare to say I am not ashamed of what I have done, or not to denounce my principles as wrong. But I am a conquered and converted man. I have given my allegiance to a government that I have imperiled my life, in the

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battle shock, to resist - not to overthrow; and I am to that government henceforth a true citizen and subject. The recent hopes of the South are, forever annihilated: to renew them would be preposterously absurd.

      The government, even as it now is, is the best and freest that earth can boast; and let us, as brothers and fellow-citizens, pray God to make it all that a pure government can be in greatness and glory. I have to-day no heartfelt hatred toward a fellow-citizen who chose to remain under the old flag and, during the struggle, acted the part of a pure and good man. And God forbid that I should disfellowship in my heart a Christian brother who, from principle, chose a different Caesar from me, so that he, through the strife, acted the part of a Christian, and rendered to his Caesar the things that belonged to Caesar. By our political differences we rent the mightiest nation; shall we now allow Satan, through us, to rend the body of Christ by our political grudges and divisions? Shall we not grasp the hand, aye, and moisten it with grateful tears, that administered by day and by night to the necessities of our poor wounded and sick sons, relatives and friends, fed them in prison, smoothed their pillows in the hospital, wiped the death-sweat from their brows, closed their sightless eyes, and gave them Christian burial?

      Are they not as deserving of our love, though they remained within our lines, as the one thousand

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and one of those who fled without, but never shouldered a musket? Let us lay our political differences and prejudices down this day at the foot of the cross, and pray and labour to conciliate our divided and distracted land, and save our churches from being rent and torn through the device of Satan. From this day forward let it be said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." And I do believe that every true child of God will seek to make peace; to save the Church for which Christ died, a Church ten thousand times more precious than ten thousand Confederacies or kingdoms or earthly empires. Christianity alone can enable us to do this.

      I return from this digression. There is no hope for the nation while Satan reigns. Politics and forms of governments can promise us nothing, for Satan possesses them all. That will prove the best that is the strongest and most permanent, and the least liable to revolutions and wars. But must this hopeless state last forever? Shall "the whole creation groan and travail in pain together," and a just God heed not the lacerating cries of His suffering children? No: thank God, hallelujah and amen! Christ Himself declares, "The prince of this earth shall be cast out." This is the hope of the Christian: this is humanity's and the world's only hope.

III. A better day.

I turn from the dark and frightful picture of the

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past and, glancing along the finger of prophecy, catch a sight of the coming glory of the "age to come," when the reign of the serpent shall, give place to that of the Prince of Peace.

      The transfer of all the kingdoms and dominions, thrones and principalities, all earthly crowns and governments to Messiah and His saints involves the mightiest changes that the world has ever witnessed. No mild, persuasive measures can effect this. Those who cry, "Peace, peace," and the subjection of the nations to Christ by the exhortations to repentance from the lips of Christian ministers and missionaries, teach falsely, and contrary to the plain declarations of God's word, and have learned nothing from the history of the past. Did Abel's brotherly exhortation deter his brother from his wilful perversion of God's worship, or restrain the fratricidal blow? Did the fervid preaching of Enoch arrest, for a moment, the antediluvian apostasy? Did the faithful preaching and fearful warnings of Noah for one hundred and twenty years prevail against the unbelief of his age? Does the Bible report a single convert, so inveterate was the infidelity of the world?

      And was not the state of the world then declared by Christ to be a striking picture of the late prophecies of His coming? Did all the manifestations of God through Moses and Aaron, through a long line of prophets and priests, for two thousand years, prevent even the one little province of

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Judea from being overwhelmed in wickedness and unbelief? Who of all the millions of God's own peculiar people, save here and there an Anna and a Simeon, when Christ came were "waiting for the consolation of Israel"? Did the ministry of Christ, and of His eighty-two apostles attended by untold signs and wonders, avail to the conversion of even the one city of Jerusalem, or the little town of Bethlehem, in which He was born? Do the Acts of the Apostles, or any history of the triumphs of the Gospel, give an instance of even one entire city, town, village or hamlet being converted to the faith and obedience of the Gospel by all the labours of all the apostles or modern missionaries? The sun has never yet witnessed the sight.

     If the ministry of the Son of God could not effect the conversion of one of the least villages of Judea, or even a considerable fraction of it; if the lifetime preaching of the apostles, inspired to preach, and that too with demonstration of the Holy Ghost and power, with mighty miracles and wonders, even to the raising of the dead to confirm the word preached, shall we, can we, look for the world's conversion through the feeble and almost powerless ministry of men, unaided by inspiration, tongues or miracles? The thought is preposterous, and the doctrine is in contravention of the Word of God. Alas, Leviathan is not so tamed! The strong man, armed, cannot be charmed by Orphic lute or

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words of mild persuasion to quit his palace and surrender his throne.

     Let those wordy orators who preach the universal conquest of the Gospel over all nations and all men's hearts by modern preachers and the missionary enterprise before the second advent of Christ look around them here in this boasted and claimed Christianized land of ours, and be confounded. All the power that preaching, aided by genius, eloquence and learning, can exert has been put forth for the last centuries, and exhausted its influence in vain. What do we see? Universaily wherever the Gospel has been longest preached, there infidelity rears its hydra and constantly multiplying heads of scoffing unbelief. New England is but the hot and active seedbed of every form of infidelity and pestilential error and fanaticism.

     The fearful fact is that the enmity of man's heart to God is so deep-seated, so malignant, so universal that no law has availed to restrain, no love or tenderness to check, it. Streams of pollution burst hot from it, and roll their scorching tide over the world like lava from a volcano. The streams of human guilt are filling darker than ever, and flowing on with a still broader current. Can gentle persuasions of man or angels or the infinite God Himself deter man from his opposition to his Maker? Man sinned in Eden, when the companion of God and angels, sinned knowingly and wilfully; he continued to sin after the penalty

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had been inflicted for his transgression; he sinned on with the terrible remembrance of that flood behind him; he sinned in view of Sodom and Gomorrah; he sinned with the tabernacle of God in his midst, and the bright cloud of heaven overshadowing him. He sinned in spite of prophets and seers coming straight to him with messages from Jehovah on their lips; he sinned with an incarnate God, manifest in Jesus Christ, dwelling with him; he hated the divine Saviour, and rested not till he slew Him, and hanged Him on a tree.

     He has been sinning with the same awful, desperate deliberation during the nineteen centuries past, with the Gospel of salvation sounding in his ears; he is now sinning, with all these facts and fearful warnings, with all the influences of Christianity constantly exerted upon him, and the influence of pious parents; still he goes on sinning with a stiffened neck and outstretched arm, and is seeking new ways and inventing new forms of insulting and dishonouring God, as though his hatred of Jehovah could not be slaked. Tell me not this rebellious race - tell me not that all the "principalities, and the powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world" will yet be subdued to Christ by the ordinary ministrations of the spirit of the Gospel, and that no greater are promised. Never - never - NEVER - NEVER!

     But by the sword, by pestilence, by blood and slaughter such as this world has never witnessed,

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will Christ come to plead with all flesh; and the slain of the Lord will be many, till the wicked nations are subdued to external obedience to the law of Christ. It is by the might of Messiah's arm outstretched in vengeance that the armies of the beast and false prophet will be destroyed, and they be cast into the burning pit, and their governments and subjects taken possession of by Jesus Christ. If the world is to be converted by the learning of theological scbools, the eloquence of modern pulpits, and the efforts of our boards of home and foreign missions, aided by Bible and tract societies, why should Christ "come in flames of fire, taking vengeance on a guilty world," striking through kings in the way of His wrath, "executing his vengeance in fury, and his judgments in flaming fire," visiting a scoffing world with judgments and distress such as they never heard of?

      This idea originated in the self-sufficiency and importance of the human heart; it is the popular doctrine of the schools and doctors of our modern divinity, and tickles and lulls to repose a guilty world. It will prove a failure, and the world will be made skeptical thereby, and reject it as false. Theirs is the dangerous theory; for they teach the world that the Gospel was designed to do this, and should it fail to accomplish it, as it will, universal unbelief will sweep over the land, or to the extent of the influence of their teaching. But the Gospel was not sent to convert the whole world, but only

to be preached as a witness to all the nations until God should call out from among the Gentiles a people for His name. And this it will do, and not fail, while the subjection of a rebellious world and wicked nations to Christian rule and government will be effected by Christ Himself at His second advent.

     Let us appeal to the teachings of God's word. Enoch, the seventh from Adam, preached the day of Christ's second advent thus: "Behold the Lord cometh with myriads of his saints to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all that are ungodly among men of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."

     Paul says: "When the Son, Jesus, shall be revealed from heaven, with his mighty angels in flaming fire, to take vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Saviour, Jesus Christ."

      Isaiah, in prophetic vision, saw and held converse with the Messiah returning from the slaughter of the armies of Gog and Magog - the beast and the false prophet. The prophet, astonished at his bloody appearance, inquires: "Who is this that cometh up from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah; this that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength?

     "I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.

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     "Wherefore art thou red in thy apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the wine vat?

     "I have trodden the winepress alone, and of the people there were none with me; for I will tread them in my anger, and trample them in my fury: and their blood shall be sprinkled upon all my garments, and I will stain all my raiment; for the day of vengeance is in my heart, and the year of my Redeemer is come. And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury; and I will bring down their strength to the ground."

     The judgment and reign of this world the Father has committed to His Son. David, in Psalm 2, thus speaks: "Ask of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." Is it that Christ may subdue them by the soothing sounds of the Gospel? No. "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise, therefore, O ye kings; be instructed, ye judges of the earth; serve the Lord with fear; rejoice before him with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little."

     Christ Himself taught that Satan, as a strong man, would reign in peaceful possession of his house and palace until the stronger than he

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cometh; and he will first bind him, and cast him out, and then spoil his house.

     The vision of the second coming of Christ to judge and punish the wicked rulers of earth, and to subdue the nations under Him by sword and slaughter, and the binding of Satan is described by John, in Revelation 19:20.

      The nations subdued to Christ's authority, and Satan dethroned and chained; then succeeds the reign of Christ and His saints on the earth for a thousand years, during which time every curse but death will be removed; the fertility of the earth restored; the ferocity of animals tamed; the nations learn war no more; and all thrones and all offices, from the highest to the lowest, be filled, and all governments of earth be administered, by the saints of Christ in equity and peace. Then will truth spring out of the earth, and righteousness look down from heaven; Christ, the once crucified, now earth's victorious and glorious King of kings and Lord of lords, take the throne of His father David, and reign from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof.

"Thus shall all nations of the world
In Abrabam's promised seed be blessed.
Oh, scenes surpassing fable, and yet true -
Scenes of accomplished bliss, which who can see,
Though but in distant prospect, and not feel
His soul refreshed with foretaste of the promised joy?"

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     This is the glorious future that awaits the earth, for which the dumb earth is now waiting and groaning; this is the hope of Christianity, the redemption and glorification of our bodies, and our exaltation to reign with Christ in His second coming and kingdom; it is the hope of every intelligent Christian who has the faith of Abraham to-day. They see nothing earthly to hope for; the world is plunging from bad to worse; the wicked rule, and study oppression, and the land mourneth.

     The child of God longs for Christ to come and reign: the promises He sends down to earth, they echo back to heaven in yearning prayer:

"Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly;
Come and add to Thy many crowns;
Receive yet one - the crown of the world,
Thou who alone art worthy. It was thine
By ancient covenant ere nature birth;
And Thou hast made it Thine by purchase since,
And spared its value with Thy blood.
Thy saints proclaim Thee King, and in their hearts
Thy title is engraved with a pen
Dipped in the fountain of eternal love:
Thy saints proclaim Thee King, and Thy delay
Gives courage to their foes who, could they see
The dawn of the last advent long desired,
Would creep into the bowels of the east hills,
And flee for safety to the falling rocks."


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