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Alfred M. Gormley Ordained

      Seventeen pastors and deacons from 11 churches participated in an ordination council January 5, 1961, at Bryan Station Baptist Church, where Bro. J. R. Masterson is pastor. Bro. Alfred M. Gormley was ordained to the gospel ministry and Bro. Leslie Middleton was ordained as a deacon.

      Bro. Clarence Walker was elected moderator of the council, Bro. Carl E. Sadler clerk, Bro. Rosco Brong interrogator, Bro. W. D. Hundley to preach the ordination sermon and present the Bible, and Bro. J. R. Masterson to lead in the ordination prayer.


      Members of the council and their churches were: J. R. Masterson, Gordon Press, Chalmer DeBorde, William Dennis, and William C. DeRossett, Bryan Station; Clarence Walker, John A. Ross, and Carl Sadler, Ashland Avenue; Dannie Wainright, Bentley Memorial; Jim Orrick, Newby; Gerald Smith, Ephesus; Arnold Leach, South Irvine; Earl Thomas, Pleasant Ridge; James Hamilton, Thompson Road; Raymond Kays, Calvary (Richmond); W. D. Hundley, Fellowship; and Rosco Brong, Pitman Creek.


      Pastor J. R. Masterson has been in poor health for some time and the newly ordained minister, Bro. Alfred M. Gormley, is now serving as assistant pastor of Bryan Station Baptist Church. He is 32 years old and has been in night classes at Lexington Baptist College about four years. He has enrolled as a part-time student for day classes this semester. Bro. Gormley was saved in 1950 at Bryan Station and began teaching a boys' class in 1956. He was ordained as a deacon in 1960 and licensed to preach in February, 1960.

      Bro. Gormley is married to Doris Wardlow Gormley, who also was saved in 1950. They have two children, Michele Lyn, 6 and Sherrie Kay, 3.


[From Ashland Avenue Baptist paper, February, 3, 1961. Document provided by Donnie Burford, South Irvine, KY. - Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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