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Remarkable Conversion and Baptism in Calcutta:
Related by Mr. Andrew Fuller in his Report
The Baptist Magazine, 1813
      Mrs Lewee. In March, 1812. Mrs. Lewee was baptized at Calcutta. She was at Allahabad, 750 miles from Calcutta, when she first heard of the gospel; and her curiosity was so much excited that she resolved, on arriving at Calcutta, to find these christians out. It so happened that on her landing at Fort-William and entering the fort, Sebuk-ram was preaching at a house in the garrison. She heard the singing, went in, and was attentive to the word. From that time she began to enquire earnestly what she should do to be saved? She gave in her experience before the church with many tears.

[From The Baptist Magazine, 1813, p. 350.

Memoir of the Rev. Charles Meloney
Late of Wallingford, Berks. [England]
Written by his Daughter
The Baptist Magazine, 1813

      Mr. Charles Meloney was born in the year 1761, at Birmingham. - From an early period he had religious impressions; by frequent convictions of sin, and being overcome by the temptations to which youth are peculiarly exposed, his mind was distressed and burdened with guilt. To relieve his conscience he used to repeat the prayers he had learned in his infancy, and he endeavoured to reform his life. He was at length led to hear the Rev. Mr. Ryland, under whose ministry it pleased the Lord to awaken him to a feeling sense of his lost and miserable condition. He now felt the necessity of an entire change of heart; he felt tied and bound with the chain of his sins; he saw the suitability of the gospel way of saving sinners. He was led to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, and to choose Christ as his all-sufficient and only Saviour, and was set at a happy liberty by the application of those words, I have loved thee with an everlasting love, and therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. He now ran in the way of God's commandments with alacrity and great delight. Having in private made an intire surrender of himself to the Lord, he was soon inclined to give up himself to the Lord's people. He was baptized at the age of 21 by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, then pastor of the Baptist church at Cannon-street, Birmingham. Under his ministry he was edified and built up in the Lord, and here he continued a steady honourable and useful member, being loved and esteemed by all who knew him. After a time he had an honourable dismission, with many more of his brethren, to the Baptist-church at Bond-street, under the pastoral care of the Rev. T. Edmonds. He was some time after chosen a deacon of the church, in which capacity he acted worthy of his calling, proving indeed that the cause of his dear Redeemer lay near his heart. His zeal and love to souls were manifest by giving up the privileges which be enjoyed at home, and going to various places on a Lord's-day, to preach the glad tidings of salvation to poor lost sinners. A desire to preach the gospel was much on his mind for about 12 years, so mat he frequently dreamed of it. He used to say, it was "like a fire locked up in his bones," and he often told the Lord in prayer that if he would employ him, he would preach till he died, which was literally the case, for he preached as long as he was able.


[From The Baptist Magazine, September, 1813, p. 351. Google Books. Formatted by Jim Duvall.]

A Narrative of Surprising Baptisms
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