By Rosco Brong, Dean
He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5.)
Pastor L. W. Carlin of Bellview Baptist Church, Paducah, Ky., was the speaker at the fifth annual graduation program of Lexington Baptist College on May 23, during the final week of our seventh year's work. Bro. Carlin brought an appropriate and inspiring message greatly appreciated by all.Bro. C. D. Stevens gave the invocation and Bro. Lloyd Mahanes the benediction. This was the first time that Bro. Walker was not able to be with us for commencement, because of an engagement in Canada. In his absence, Bro. L. L. Cole, vice-president of the board of trustees of the college, presented the diplomas.
We thank God for the completion of another year's work and for His manifest blessings in the midst of trials which we doubt not also will turn out to be blessings. In His dear name, we thank all our friends who have been helping us in this work, and beg you to continue with us in your prayers, your testimony, and your financial support.
[From Ashland Avenue Baptist paper, June 14, 1957, p. 1. Document provided by Donnie Burford, South Irvine, KY. - Scanned by Jim Duvall.]
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