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The Baptist Magazine, 1835

"Recent Deaths"

Rev. Dr. Carey

     In the Philanthropist the event is thus noticed: "the Rev. Dr. Carey died at Serampore, after a protracted illness of nine months, on Monday morning last, the 9th instant (June) in the 73rd year of his age." The same paper contains the following account, copied from another paper, [The Sumachar Derpun] published at Serampore. "We have to communicate intelligence to-day, which will be received with general lamentation, not only throughout India, but throughout the world. Dr. Carey has finished his pilgrimage on earth, having gently expired early last Monday morning, the 9th of June. For several years past his health has been very infirm, and his strength has gradually sunk, until the weary wheels of nature stood still, from mere debility, and not from disease. The peculiarly hot weather and rainy season of 1833 reduced him to such extreme weakness, that in September last he experienced a stroke of apoplexy, and for some time his death was expected daily. It pleased God, however, to revive him a little. During the cold season he could again take a morning and evening ride in his palanquin carriage, and spend much of the day reclining in an easy chair with a book in his hand, or conversing cheerfully with any friend that called. As, however, the hot weather advanced, he sunk daily into still greater debility than before, and could take no nourishment. He lay helpless and speechless on his bed until his skin was worn off his body, and death was a merciful relief. His dearest friends could not but rejoice, that his sufferings were ended, although they mourn his loss to themselves and to mankind."

     For further particulars of this distinguished man, we refer our readers to the Missionary Herald.


[The Baptist Magazine Vol. XXVII. (London, 1835), p. 32. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall]

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