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[The following records of January, 1836 - December, 1837 are transcribed by Mrs. Betty Baldwin of Grace Baptist Church, Georgetown, KY.]
At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday in January 1836.
Bro Joseph Botts mdr

On motion it is agreed that a weekly meeting be held at this or some other convenient place in the bounds of this church or as the Brethren may agree upon.
Adjourned - Bro Joseph Botts mdr
attest - J.W. Graves clk protem

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday in February 1836. Robert Kirtley moderator

On motion it is agreed that the Bro Deacons attend to procuring fine wool for the use of this meeting house and to defray the expenses out of the church funds.

On motion of Bro. E. Graves agreed to appoint one or more additional Deacons to this church. The matter taken us and referred for further consideration until our next meeting.
Adjourned Robert Kirtley moderator
attest J Gaines clk

NOTE: Missing the minutes for March 1836 and part of April 1836

From the April 1836 minutes:
And that Brother Joseph Botts request help from Middle Creek, Brother Michael Clave from the Forks of Gunpowder, and Bro. James Gaines from Sand Run to meet with and assist in the ordination of Bro. Graves at our next meeting.
attest James Gaines clk
Robert Kirtley moderator

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in May 1836.
Joseph Botts moderator

The reference respecting the ordination of Bro Absalom Graves as a Deacon to this church taken up. And the Brethren appointed to request help from our Sister churches reported they had done so, and the Brethren in attendance. From Middle Creek Brother Norm Brady and William Garnett, from the Forks of Gunpowder, Brethren Lewis Connor and John S. Carter, from Sand Run, Brethren Clive Montague & William N. McClay.

The church still, by her vote, requests Bro Graves to serve. The question was then put to--- Brother Graves and Sister Graves to know whether they are willing to serve the church. Their answer is they are willing through the help of the Lord.

The helps concuring with the church. It is agreed to postpone the ordination until tomorrow morning before preaching.

Reported that Sister Lucy Botts and Lavina belonging to Bro McClay are deceased.
attest - Jas Gaines clk
Joseph Botts moderator

First Sunday in May 1836

The ordination of Bro Absalom Graves as a Deacon to this church took place agreeable to the arrangement of the church as yesterday in the manner. Imposition of Graves by Brother Lewis Connnor and Joseph Botts and charged by Bro. Robert Kirtley.

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in June 1836. Robert Kirtley mod

No business brought forward. Agreed to be adjourned and invite our preaching brother to a word of exentation.
attest - James Gaines
Robert Kirtley mdr

At a Bullettsburg church meeting held on the first Saturday in July 1836.
Bro Joseph Botts mdr

Received Brother Benjamin Crisenberry and Sister Rebecca Crisenberry his wife by Letter of Recommendation from the church at Polar Grove.

Bro John Gaines is appointed to prepare a letter to the next association and present it at our next meeting for inspection and Brethren Robt. Kirtley, Joseph Botts, Edward Graves, Whitfield Early, Reuben Graves, Abalom Graves and Jas Gaines are appointed messengers to bear said letter.

Received a request from the church at East Bend (by her messenger Brother William Kirtley) for help to attend them on the third Saturday in this month to assist in the ordination of a Deacon. The matter taken up and agreed to answer their request and Brethren Robert Kirtley, A. Graves, R. Botts and Reuben Graves are appointed to attend them accordingly.
attest - James Gaines clk
Joseph Botts moderator

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in August 1836.
Bro Kirtley mdr

The letter to the association written by Bro John Gaines called for read and approved. The helps appointed to attend East Bend Church reported that they all attended and that Brother William Craig was set apart and ordained as a deacon of said church.

Bretren Roland Botts, George Gaines, Edward Graves & Absalom Graves is appointed a committee to repair our meeting house floor and report the expense as soon as the work is completed.
attest - James Gaines
Robt Kirtley mdr

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in September 1836. The committee who were appointed at our last meeting to repair our meeting house floor report that they have attended to the same and the expenses amounted to seven dollars which report was satisfactory and said amount ordered to be paid by the deacons out of the church funds.

Received Henry Gaines and Mary Jane Gaines by experience for baptism and then to all the priviledges of the church.

Received a request from the church at the Forks of Gunpowder (by Bro Dolph) for help to assist in the ordination of Bro John Underhill to the ministry to meet at their next church meeting, the matter taken up & Brethren Joseph Botts, Michael Clave, Edward Graves, & Absalom Graves, are appointed to attend accordingly.

Upon application letters of dismission are granted to the following brethren and sisters (to wit) Bro Joseph Botts, Sabrina Botts, Reuben Graves, Elizabeth Graves, Wlm W Graves, Cornelius Graves, Wlm Weldon and Polly Weldon, who are all about to move to the west.
attest - James Gaines clk
Joseph Botts mdr

First Sunday in September, Henry T. Gaines and Mary Jane Gaines were Baptized by immersion.

At a Bulletsburg church meeting first Saturday in October 1836 Bro Robert Kirtley mdr

Roland Botts laid in a complaint against Sister Nancy Terrill, for joining a body of people known by the name of Campbellites of Reformers & also against Bro. Robert Terrill (from information). The matter taken up. Brethren Roland Botts and Edward Graves appointed to see them, cite to our next church meeting.

Sister Fanny Griffith and Own Miller deceased.

Upon application of Bro Benjamin Crisenberry, letters of dismission are granted to himself & wife.

The Brethren who were appointed at our last meeting to attend the church at the Forks of Gunpowder as helps to assist in the ordination of Bro John Underhill, report they obeyed the order of this church and that the ordination failed to take place.

In conformity to the recommendation of the North Bend Association at her last session.

It is therefore agreed that we observe the first Saturday in November next as a day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer to God. To meet at this place at half past nine o'clock a.m.
attest James Gaines clk
Robert Kirtley mdr

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in Nov 1836.
Robt Kirtley mod

The reference respecting Sister Nancy Terrill and Bro. Robt Terrill was taken up, and on motion, postponed until our next meeting.

Received Sister Mary Fowler by letter of recommendation from the church at Licking Campbell County.

Upon application of Bro. Michael Clave a letter of dismission is granted to himself.
James Gaines clk
Robert Kirtley mod

At a meeting of the Bullettsburg Church first Saturday in Dec 1836.
Bro R. Kirtley mdr

The reference respecting Sister Nancy Terrill and Robt Terrill taken up and after investigation, the church was informed they had joined the Campbellites or Reformers, contrary to the rules of this church and are found guilty of sin...

Consequently they were excluded.

Bro W. Early reported Br. William W. Gaines departed this life on the 20 Oct. last in Virginia.
attest - C Gaines clk protem
Robert Kirtley mdr

At a church meeting at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday Jan 1837
Bro Kirtley being absent, Bro William Whitaker moderator

No business brought forward agreed to adjourn
attest - Jas Gaines clk
Wm Whitaker mdr

At a meeting of the Bullitsburg church on Saturday February 4th 1837

Bro. Robt Kirtley Being absent Bro. William Whittaker from Sand run [Baptist Church] being with us was invited and acted as moderator pro tem

Recd Bro. Henry Garnett by letter of recommendation from the church at Smiths Creek New Market Virginia

In consequence of Sister Mary Kirtley’s death this morning it is therefore agreed that our meeting on tomorrow be at Bro. Robert Kirtleys, and also that our communion session be postponed utill our next meeting on Lords day.

The Bro. Deacons made report the fund of the church so far as come into their hands had been used to the benefit of the same – and also presented an appointment which they had made on the free male members 20.50 cents which was received by the church and placed in their hands for collection

Attest --
William Whittaker Mod
Benj. Watts Clk pro tem

P 227

March Meeting 1837

At a Bullitsburg Church meeting first Saturday in March 1837 Bro Robt Kirtley Modr. whereas two of our former trustees has departed this life.. on motion it is agreed agreed that Brethren Absalom Graves and John Gaines be appointed to fill the vacancy –

Brethren Absalom Graves and Roland Botts are appointed additional moderators to this Church to act in turn with our present modr. Bro. R. Botts requested Letters of Dismifsion for sisters Elizabeth Parker and Ushly belonging to Bro. W. terrel which was granted accordingly –
Attes Adj --

Robert Kirtley, mod
J. Gaines Clk

April Meeting 1837

At a Bullitsburg Church meeting on Saturday 1st of April 1837

Brother Robert Kirtley modr
Jas Gaines clk


May Meeting 1837

At a Bullitsburg Church meeting first Saturday in May 1837 –- Bro. R. Kirtley modr

Bro Absalom applied for a letter of dismifsion for Brother Henry Garnett which was granted –

Agreed to be adjourned and invite Elder Hamitton [Hamilton?] Gofs from the state of Virginia to preach to us –
Attest John Gaines clk -- R. Kirtley modr

June Meeting 1837

At a meeting held for the Church at Bullittsburg first Saturday in June 1837 –

Bro. W. Whitaker from Sand run being with us was invited and act as Modrator for us – Received a request from the Church at the Forks of Gunpowder (by Brethren La. Conner & S. Tanner) for helps to afsist in the ordination of Bro. John Underhill to the Ministry – to meet with them on the third Saturday in the present month at 11 oclock A.M. the church agreed to answer there request and Breth – E. Graves R. Botts. D. Hickerson & Jas. Gaines are appointed to attend accordingly.

Jas Gaines clk -- William Whitaker modr

At a Bullettsburgh Church meeting first Saturday in July 1837
Bro. R. Kirtley modr

Upon application of Bro. G. Gaines a letter of Dismission is granted to sister Peggy Cave.

Bro E. Graves one of the helps appointed at our last meeting to attend the church at the Forks of Gunpowder to assist in the Ordination of Bro. John Underhill to the ministry. Report that they attended to the order of the church and after Due examination the council unanimously agreed to his Ordination which took place on the ensuing Lords day. By Prayer and the Imposition of hands.

Bro. R. Kirtley is appointed to prepare a letter to our next annual Association and present it at our next meeting and Brethren R. Kirtley W. Early E. Graves Roland Botts A. Graves and Jas Gaines are appointed messengers to bear the same.

Reported that Bro Lafayett (formerly belonging to sister Jane Clore Died) has been removed from this State to the lower country. Therefore as can know nothing of his standing nor he receive any benefit from this church if he is yet living..Therefore it is agreed that he be considered not a member with us and his name be not reported as such.
attest - Jas Gaines clk
Robt. Kirtley modr

At a Bullettsburg Church meeting first Saturday in August 1837
Brother R. Kirtley modr

Received Sister Nancy Jenkins by leter of recommendation from the Baptist Church at Craigs Spotsylvania Va.

The letter to the association writen by Bro. Kirtley called for read & received.
Agreed to be adjourned - Bobt. Kirtley
attest Jas Gaines clk

At a Bullettsburg meeting held first Saturday in September 1837
Brother Robert Kirtley modr

Brother Angus Gaines laid in a complaint against himself for getting in to an affray and also getting angry. The matter - taken up - and he found guilty of Sin -- Satisfaction being obtained he is acquitted.
Adjourned - Robt. Kirtley modr
attest Jas Gaines clk

At a church meeting held at Bullettsburg meeting house Saturday October 7th 1837
Brother R. Kirtley modr

No business claiming the attention of the church it is agreed that it be adjourned.
John W. Gaines - clk protem
R. Kirtley modr

At a church meeting held at Bullettsburgh meetinghouse 1st Saturday in November 1837
Bro. R. Kirtley modr

It is made known to this church that Bro. Walker Graves has departed this life.
attest - Jas Gaines clk
Robt Kirtley modr

At a Bullettsburgh Church meeting held the first Saturday in December 1837
Bro Robt. Kirtley moderator

Bro. Roland Botts laid in a complaint against Lewis a Black member of this church belonging to Mr. Joel Garnett for acsconding from his master and this church. The matter taken up and he found guilty of Sin and Satisfaction not being obtained he is excluded.

Received Sister Susan Wilhoite by Letter of Recommendation from the Baptist Church at Bethel Virginia.

It is made known to this to this church that Sister Frances Bennett departed this life on the 22nd of November last.
attest - Jas Gaines clk
Robert Kirtley modr

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