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     Editor's note: This section of Minutes is more detailed than most because there was a division of the church (probably over the location of their new building, though it is not stated) and Woolper Creek Baptist Church was organized for a few months and then the two churches reunited. It was insisted by the group that left and returned, that all of the records of Woolper Creek Church be preserved in the Bullittsburg records. This was done. - Jim Duvall

3d day in January 1801 Bro. Wm. Cave Moderator
The reference of the propriety of the place fixed on for building the meeting house, was taken up, and considered improper. And it is agreed that it [is] to be built on Ashbys fork, where the road leading from Tanners Station to newport cross[es] the same. Provided the grant of a lot [parcel] of ground can be had for that purpose. And all other proceeding thereof is defered.
Agreed that about the sum of ten Dollars be levyed [sic] on the members of this Church, by Brethren Vawter & Graves, in order to increase the Church fund.
Bro. Zachariah Clark dismissed by letter.

Sunday 25th January 1801
Milley Sladyen Jeremiah Graves & Elliot Vawter received for Baptism.

Saturday 7th February 1801
Bro. John Murfey informed against himself of having been in [an] afray [affray] with a Certain man, and acted disorderly, who made a Satisfactory acknowledgement. [He] was acquited.
James Mcintosh Jun'r William Ramey Polly Cockran and Daniel Mosby received for Baptism.
Agreed that about forty Dollars worth of property be levyed [sic] on the white male members of this Church by the Deacons Elders & Clerk who are to report thereof, with the price of [the] property that may be suitable for that purpose at next meeting.
Agreed to appoint two Deacons, the matter [was] taken up and defered till next meeting.
The public gifts [to preach] of Brethren Watts Vawter & Matthews [are to] be encouraged.
Agreeable to a pition [petition] of the members of the south end of this Church for a seperate Constitution [organized church] which was agreed to provided helps may be call'd [and they] shall Judge it necessary.
Agreed that in [the] future our ministers be exempt from bearing a part of Church expences.
Bro. Roland Parker & wife dismissed by letter.

Sunday 8th February 1801
Edmund Garnett's Philice & Wm. Montague's Jack rec'd [received] for baptism.

Sunday 22d February 1801
James Allen Benjamin Taylor Joseph Graves & William Sebree received for Baptism.

Saturday 7th day of March 1801 Bro. Cave Moderator.
Received Winnifert Johnson, Augustin Smith, (Geo. Christy's) Jane, Milley Sebree, Mary Whittington, William Graves, Lucy Willson & Mary Smith for Baptism.
The reference concerning the appointment of Deacons defered.
The apportionment of the levy on the members of this Church for the use of Bro. Deweese was returned & approved.
Agreeable to application of the members living at the lower end of the bounds of this Church for helps in a Constitution, appointed Brethren Lewis Deweese William Cave - John Hall - John Conner & Cave Johnson to attend for that purpose on Saturday next.
The public gift [to preach] of Bro. Sladyen encouraged.

Sunday 8th March 1801
Stephen Graves receiv'd for Baptism.

Saturday 4th day of April 1801 Bro. Deweese Moderator.
Caty Wilcocks received for baptism.
William Ramey and Elizabeth his wife dismissed to Join the Woolper Creek [Baptist] Church.
The members of this Church who was appointed at last meeting as helps in Constituting a (Baptist) Church on Woolpers Creek, reported that they proceeded to Constitute of the following members of this Church (to wit) John Taylor - Elizabeth Taylor - Philemon Vawter - Anna Vawter - Jane Cloud - James McIntosh sr. - Sarah McIntosh - Elizabeth Mosby - John Watts - Frances Watts - Absalom Graves - Felicia Graves - Francis Lehew - Sarah Rogers - Martha Dicken - Jameson Hawkins - James Cloud - Nancy Horsley - Sarah Cloud - Willoughby Sladyen - William Rogers - Kezia Ashby - Elizabeth Ryle - John Ryle - William Brady - Martha Brady - Thos. A1len - Leannah Lehew - Patsey Allen - John Murfey - Sarah Ryle Uriah Edwards - Milley Martin - Lucy Hogan - Polley Lehew - James Ryle - Elijah Hogan - Ruth Hawkins - Milley Sladyen - Elliot Vawter - Daniel Mosby - James Allen - Benjamin Taylor - William Sebree - Milley Sebree [45]. --- And of the following black members (to wit) Asa - Ben - Dublin - Letice [also called 'Lettie'] - Jacob - Judith - & belonging to Jno Taylor, & Curry ([belonging] to Jeremiah Kirtley), Harry ([belonging] to James Ryle), Anthony ([belonging] to Jameson Hawkins), Luck ([belonging] to John Ryle), Mary ([belonging to] Rich'd Parker), & Pharaoh ([belonging] to Dan'l Mosby] [12]. {I have added [ - ] between names as there are few commas in the list. jrd}
And it is agreed that they be thereby dismissed from our watch care.
Bro. Taylor is invited to officiate in this Church as Minister, as he heretofore has done.
A letter of Dismission granted to Bro. William Cave Sen'r and wife to Join the Woolper Creek Church.
Same [was granted] to Bro. John Conner Sen'r & wife for same Purpose.
Same [was granted] to Lewis Conner & Frankey Conner for same purpose.
Bro. Matthews requested to be more active in exercising a public gift [to preach].
Bro. Forest Webb appointed a Deacon of this Church, who have been heretofore ordained to that office in another Church - came to office in this Church by the right hand of fellowship.
Joseph Graves is appointed Clerk of this Church in the room [place] of Absalom Graves, who is constituted a member of Woolper Creek Church.
Augustin Smith & Mary his wife dismissed to Join Woolper Creek Church. Brethren Hall and Webb, appointed to act as moderators in turn with Bro. Deweese, in future. [A total of 75 members left to go to WCBC at this meeting].

Sunday 5th day of April 1801
James Graves was Received for baptism.

Saturday 2d day of May 1801 Bro. Forest Webb Moderator.
A letter of Dismissal granted to Bro. Jeremiah Kirtley & Mary his wife to Join the Woolper Creek Church.
Same [was granted] to Bro. Rob't Garnett [for the] same purpose.
Same [was granted] to Sist'r Polley Green for same purpose.

Sunday 31st of May 1801
William Worrell Jun'r & Amelia his wife Rec'd [received] for Baptism.

Saturday 6th of June 1801 Bro. John Hall Moderator.
Salley Calbert receiv'd by letter.
A motion brought in by Bro. [Chichester] Matthews to know whether the Church was willing to unite & join with the Woolper Creek Church and be in one body as formerly & that the meeting house be built where the road leading from Tanners Station to Newport crosses Ashbys fork or as near there as conveniency of water will admit [permit]. The matter taken up investigated and answered in the afirmative with a unanimous voice and appointed Brethren Deweese & Matthews to attend the Woolpers Creek Church at their next meeting, and inform them of this churches request & make [a] report thereof on the fourth Saturday of this month at the s'd [said] Crossing of Ashbys fork which day & place we have appointed to meet for business.

At a meeting held by the Bullittsburg & Woolpers Creek Churches agreeable to their respective appointments at the Crossing of Ashbys Fork on Saturday the 27th day of June 1801.
Bro. William Cave Moderator.
The matter concerning the reuniting of the said Church and form one entire body was taken up and after a full investiagation thereof, it is agreed to, and the Woopers Creek Church Constitution is by consent, hereby declared to be disolved, and the members of the said Church of Bullittsburg from when they derived, with such additional members as have been received since the commencement of her Constitution. And such officers as have been appointed by the s'd [said] Woolpers Creek Church to still Continue as Such in the afores'd [aforesaid] Church of Bullittsburg.
Ordered that a copy of the Record of the Woolpers Creek Church be recorded in the record book of this Church.
Agreed that at the place where the road from Tanners Station crosses Ahsbys fork [shall] be the place for building a meeting house to be of the dimensions &[?] by the Woolper Church to superintended by the same trustees & built by the Same undertaker [builder], at [the] same price with only the addition of finishing the Gallerys [balcony], and ten dollars added to the Cash part of payment. And appointed brethren Rob't Garnett Christopher Willson & Wm. Montague to value the worth of work to be added to the meeting house & report next meeting.

The following account is a Copy of the proceedings and constitution of Woolpers Creek Church. The Baptist Church of Christ at Wolpert Creek, was Constituted on Saturday the 14th day of March 1801 by brethren Lewis Deweese - Wm. Caver - John Hall & John Conner on the prinicpals [sic] contained in the Philadelphia confession of faith as adopted by the Elk horn Association of the following members (to wit) John Taylor - Elizabeth Taylor - Philemon Vawter - Anna Vawter, James McIntosh - Sarah McIntosh, John Watts, Fanney Watts, Absalom Graves, Felicia Graves, Francis Lehew, Leannah Lehew, Jameson Hawkins, Ruth Hawkins, James Cloud, Sarah Cloud, Willoughby Sladyen, Milley Sladyen - William Rogers, Sarah Rogers Daniel Mosby - Elizabeth Mosby, John Ryle - Sarah Ryle - James Ryle, Elizabeth Ryle, William Brady, Hatha Brady - Thomas Allen - Patsey Allen - Elijah Hogan - Lucy Hogan - John Murfey - William Sebree, Uriah Edwards, Elliot Vawter, James Allen - Benjamin Taylor - Martha Dicken - Jane Cloud - Ann Horsely - Kezia Ahsby & Miley Sebree. {I have added [ - ] between names as there were few commas in this list. jrd}
Absalom Graves is appointed Clerk to act till the next monthly meeting at which time one is to be appointed. Agreed to appoint Deacons the matter taken up and continued. Agreed to build a meeting house convenient to a spring near Richard Tanner[']s. Agreed that our church meetings be held on the third Saturday in each month.

Sunday 15th of March 1801
Received Richard Tanner - Elizabeth Tanner - Polley Miles - Peter Lehew - Archibald Merrit & Nancy Yager for baptism.

At a church meeting held for the Church at Woolperts Creek on Saturday the 25th of April 1801
Bro. John Taylor Moderator.
A Complaint brought in against Jacob (a black member, belonging to brother Taylor) for some immodest attempts towards two black women, and other unseemly conduct, together with deviating from the truth when interrogated. The matter was taken up, he failing to give Satisfaction, was suspended.
Brother Willoughby Sladyen informed against himself for having drank to an excess and made a Satisfactory acknowledgement [he] was acquited.
Brother William Cave & Suzanna his wife received by letter from Bullittsburg Church.
Brother William Ramey & Elizabeth his wife received by [the] Same--from [the] same.
Brother John Conner Sen'r & Lewis Conner received by [the] same--from [the] same.
Sister Isabella Barnett received by same [letter] from Bryans [Station Baptist Church, Lexington].
Agreed to build a framed Meeting house (at the place fixed on at last meeting) to be 24 X 36 feet, and appointed brethren Taylor, Kirtley - Cave - Mosby - Conner & Vawter to fix on a certain spot of ground to erect the house on, together with a plan to build the house, and to fix prices on certain species of property that may be convenient to defray the expense of the building and report thereof at next meeting.
Absalom Graves is appointed Clerk to this Church.
The appointment of Deacons [is] continued.
Query, whether is there any such office as Elder distinct from Ordained Ministers. The matter being taken up & fully investigated [it was] answered in the affirmative.
Agreed to appoint Elders at next meeting.
Received Nancy McIntosh - Nancy Horsley, John McIntosh & Beverly Vawter for Baptism.
Next Church meeting to be held at Bro. Kirtley[']s on the 2d Saturday in May next.

Sunday 26th of April 1801
John Horsley & (James Ryle's) Rachel received for Baptism.
Woolpert Creek on Saturday the 6th of May 1801 Bro. Cave Moderator.
The following members, Jeremiah Kirtley - Mary Kirtley - Augustin Smith & Mary Smith was received by letter from Bullittsburg Church.
A report of the brethren appointed for fixing on a spot [location] for the meeting house. It was made and [was] Satisfactory.
And appointed brethren William Cave, Jeremiah Kirtley, Philemon Vawter - Absalom Graves & John Conner as a Committee to let [contract out the building] the meeting house to the lowest bidder, & superintend the building and to levy the price of the meeting house on the members of this Church, one half to be paid when the house may be raised & the other when finished, thirty dollars of the first payment to be cash & the whole of the balance in property.
The reference concerning Jacob (a black member) was taken up & he [was] restored to fellowship.
Brother Robert Garnett received by letter from Bullittsburg.
The reference concerning the appointment of Elders was taken up & [we] choose brother William Cave & Jeremiah Kirtley, who having heretofore been ordained in other Churches, were set apart to that office in this Church by the right hand of fellowship.
The reference concerning Deacons was taken up and Chose brethren Philemon Vawter and Absalom Graves. The said Vawter having been legally ordained in another church, came to office in this [church], by the free sufferage [vote] of the Church & right hand of fellowship.
The matter was taken up as to the said Graves & he [was] ordain'd to that Office by the impossition [placing] of the hands of a presbytery composed of brethren John Taylor - William Cave & Jeremiah Kirtley.
Appointed brethren Taylor - Cave and Kirtley to act as moderators alternately.
Absalom Graves Cle[rk]

Sunday 10th of May 1801
Sister Polley Green - Lucy Conner & Frankey Conner was [sic] received by letter from Bullittsburg.

Sunday 31st May 1801
Timothy Davis, receiv'd for baptism.

At a Church meeting held at Woolpers Creek Saturday 20th of June 1801 -- Bro. Kirtley Moderator.
A proposal from the Church at Bullittsburg was offered by their messengers Brethren Deweese & Matthews to this Church for a dissolution of her [our] Constitution, and the members to return to their membership to the said Church of Bullittsburg, to whom they formerly belonged; and form one entire body, & build one meetinghouse for the accom[m]odation of the whole, at the place where the road leading from Tanners Station crosses Ashby's fork, or as convenient thereto as Eligibility & water will admit [permit]. Also [we are] to meet them at s'd [said] place on Saturday next. The matter taken up & investigated & the proposal consented to, provided we can agree on [the] spot [location] for building a Meeting house & also agree to meet them at said place & time to confer thereon.
Absalom Graves Cle[rk]

At a Church meeting held for the Church at Bullittsburg on Saturday the 4th of July 1801
Bro. Deweese Moderator.
Receiv'd William Worrell sen'r - Uriel Sebree and Fanney his wife for Baptism.
Barbara Worrell who is (by information) a member of our society, emigrated to this country without being duly dismissed is admitted a member of this Church.
Appointed Brethren Matthews & Webb in conjunction with the members that has been heretofore appointed by the Woolper Creek Church, as a Committee to superintend the building of the meeting house, & also to assist in the proportionment [of money to be paid], & make [a] report next meeting.
A bill handed in by the brethren that was [sic] appointed last meeting to value the worth of the addition to be added to the meeting house, has [sic] made their report. [It is] Satisfactory.
Brother Absalom Graves [was] Dismissed from the Clerkship, which he executed [performed] to Woolpers Creek Church.
Agreed that a meeting be held at Brother Harden[']s on 12th of this month & that a door be opened for the reception of members.
Agreed to have four stated meetings in each month, on the first Sunday at the meeting house - second at Bullittsburgh bottom & [the third at] Bro. Brady's & the fourth at Woolpers bottom.
Appointed Brethren Taylor & Graves to write a letter to the Elkhorn Association, and that the same be read [at our] next meeting.
Appointed Brethren Taylor; Cave, Craig & Kirtley messengers to the Elkhorn association which will commence on the second Saturday in August next [at South Elkhorn Baptist Church, Fayette County].
Appointed Brethren Taylor, Deweese, Cave, & Kirltey to act as moderator in turn, in [the] future.
Joseph Graves. Clk.

Sunday 5th of July 1801
Received Matthias Reding by letter.
Likewise [we received] John Graves. & Nelley for Baptism.

Sunday 12th of July 1801
Met pursuant to appointment & received by experience Polley Hardin for Baptism.

Sunday 19th July 1801
Hannah Criss Receiv'd for baptism.

Sunday 26th July 1801
Moses Scott & Nancy Ross Receive'd for Baptism.

At a Church meeting held for the Church at Bullittsburgh on Saturday the 1st of August 1801
Bro. Taylor Moderator.
Nelley Ward & Cloe Terry Receiv'd for baptism.
A list of the proportionment [this assigned the amount of contribution from each white, male member] handed in & found satisfactory.
Agreed that the plank [lumber] now in use in the old meeting house be appropriated to the use of the new one, by the Committee in the best way that they may think proper.
Agreed that the committee that has been heretofore appointed to superintend the building of the meeting house, further proceed to have the same underpin[n]ed before [it is] raised and that the underpin[n]ing be raised one foot above [the] ground, & to let [contract out] the same to the lowest bidder & make report thereof.
Agreed that the next meeting be a communion season [take the Lord's Supper].
The Church letter [to the association was] read and approved of.
The publick gifts [to preach] of Brethren Garnett & Wil[l]son [are] encouraged.
Agreed that the deacons furnish paper for the use of the Church.
Agreed that there be a stated meeting every third Sunday in each month [on] the other side of the River Ohio [in Indiana territory].
Joseph Graves. Clk.

Sunday 16 August 1801
Jeremiah Kirtley Jun'r rec'd [received] for Baptism.

Sunday 23rd August 1801
John Johnson & Nancy Carter rec'd for Baptism.

Saturday 1he 51h of September 1801 Bro. Cave Moderator.
A Complaint [was] brought in against Bro. Matthias Riding [Redding] by Bro. Lehew, for galloping &suffering his beast [horse] to be galloped by another person in publick Company in the race paths. The matter taken up - investigated; he failing to give satisfaction was suspended.
Receiv'd Thomas Carter & Benjamin Craig for Baptism.
Roger - belonging to Bro. John Graves, restored from a state of excommunication to the fellowship of this Church by a satisfactory acknowledgement.
Agreed that the meeting house that was to be built at the Crossing of Asby's fork of Woolper be built at this place and that the former Committee with the undertaker [builder] of the meeting house to fix on the additional worth of halling [hauling] the timbers to this place & fix on a spot [location] for that purpose.
An[d] appointed Brethren Abraham Depew - Tho. Whitaker & Wm. Graves to let [contract out] 1he under-pin[n]ing to the lowest bidder.
Joseph Graves. Clk.

Sunday 13th of Sept. 1801
Warrick - belonging to Bro. John Craig, restored from a state of excommunication to the fellowship of this Church by a satisfactory acknowledgement.

Sunday 27th of Sept. 1801
Sibbel Roolf Receiv'd for Baptism.

Saturday the 3rd of October 1801 Bro. Kirtley Moderator.
The matter taken up concerning the suspension of Bro. Red[d]ing and he giving a full satisfaction was restored.
The Brethren appointed last meeting to let the underpin[n]ing of the meeting house report that they let the same to Joseph Graves at the rate of 10s/ perch and by measurement find that there is 14 1/2 perch and the same is received & found satisfactory. [This seems to be an agreement on contract labor; the s represents shillings. The "perch" is a measuring term. jrd]
Ordered that the deacons pay the sum of one dollar to the messengers of our last association for money paid by them to procure the minutes of the same.
Brother Deweese invited to continue among us as he heretofore [has] done - if convenient. A motion brought in by Bro. Kirtley respecting the Ordination of Brother Wm. Cave sen'r as a minister of the Gospel - the matter taken up & refered till next meeting.
Agreed that Brother Watts be at liberty to appoint a meeting at any time & place & exercise a publick gift [to preach] in any way that he may think proper.
Appointed Brethren Watts & Vawter to treat [talk] with friend Hawkins & [his] wife & to know their reasons for not Joining the Church, & make report, [at the] next meeting.
Joseph Graves. Clk.

Sunday October 11 1801
Martha Drake Receiv'd by letter.

Saturday the 7th of November 1801 Bro. Deweese Moderator.
The reference concerning Bro. Wm. Cave's ordination was taken up and unanimously agreed to, and that the same is [to be] performed tomorrow after preaching.
The brethren appointed last meeting to treat [talk] with friends Hawkins & [his] wife report that his reasons for not Joining this Church is, that there was difficulties between him and some of the members of this Church, we therefore proceed to appoint Brethren Cave, Graves, & Webb to try to settle the difficulty that is between those brethren & make report thereof [at our] next meeting.
Ordered that the rules of this Church be publickly read next meeting.
Joseph Graves Clk.

Saturday 5th of December 1801 Brother Cave Moderator.
The reference respecting friend Hawkins & [his] wife and some of the members of this Church is dismissed.
Agreed that the members of this Church living in Willoughby's bottom (to wit) John Ryle - James Ryle - Elijah Hogan and William Brady. Likewise the brethren living [on] the other side of the River Ohio (namely) Henry Hardin - William Ramey & Timothy Davis be left at their own discretion [as to] what sum they will pay towards the building of the meeting house.
A Query brought in by Brother John Hall to know whither [sic] it is expedient or not for a minister of the gospel to exercise authority in the civil government & the matter taken up & refered.
Joseph Graves. Clk.

Sunday 20th of December 1801
Receive'd Nancy Alensworth & Susanna Allin for Baptism.

Saturday the 2nd of January 1802 Bro. Cave Mod'r.
The Query brought in last meeting by Bother Hall is dismissed.
A Complaint brought in by Brother James W. Mcintosh Jn'r against Brother John Taylor (as his employer) for contradicting himself, at one time saying he had nothing against him as a good overseer, and after which saying he had been faulty in a number of instances. Likewise another Complaint for taking the hands [workers] that was put under him & going to Mount Bird [Byrd] to raise some Cabbins without his approbation [approval].
The matter taken up (as to the first Complaint), and being fully investigated [we] find Bro. Taylor not guilty of the charge.
The matter taken up concerning the second Complaint - it being investigated - no guilt is found.
Joseph Graves. Clk.

Sunday January 3rd 1802
Winny - belonging to John Lindsey - receiv'd by letter.

Saturday the 6th of February 1802 Bro. Taylor Moderator.
Receiv'd by experience Tom (belonging to Bro. John Craig) for Baptism.
Granted Bro. John Elsey a letter of dismission.

Saturday 6th of March 1802 Bro. Kirtley Moderator.
Anthony - a black member (belonging to Bro. Jameson Hawkins) informed against himself for some unseemly conduct, towards a black women, He failing to give Satisfaction for the same was suspended.
Rob't Terry receiv'd for baptism.
Granted John Taylor and his wife a letter of dismission.
Same to Brother Benjamin Taylor.
Same to several black members belonging to Brother John Taylor (to wit) Jacob, Curry, Lettice - Judeth and Nancy.
Same to Brother Uriah Edwards.
Same to sister Sarah Stubbs.
Same to sister Ann Thrialkill.
A Complaint brought in against Frank a black woman (belonging to Archelaus Aloway) for having an illegitimate child and deviating from the truth when interrogated - she failing to attend and give satisfaction was suspended. We therefore appoint Brother John Watts to cite her to attend next meeting to answer the complaint.
A matter taken up, respecting young gifts [preaching], was postponed till next meeting.
Agreed to commune next meeting [observe the Lord's Supper].
Joseph Graves. Clk.

Saturday the 3rd of April 1802 Bro. Deweese Moderator.
Brother Augustin Smith informed against himself for having drank to an excess and made a satisfactory confession - was acquitted.
A complaint brought in against Bro. Isaac Carlton (by Bro. Reding) for not complying with his agreement - The matter taken up and after a due consultation - no guilt found.
The suspension of Anthony continued.
The reference concerning Frank taken up. She failing to attend and make satisfaction was excommunicated.
George Collum & Rhoda - his wife - receiv'd for Baptism.
The reference respecting young gifts taken up and after due consideration [we] unanimously agree that Bro. Chichester Matthews be at liberty to appoint a meeting at any time or place and exercise a publick gift [to preach] any way that he may think necessary.
The publick gifts of Brethren Vawter, Kirtley, Wilson & Garnett are still encouraged.
Ordered that the Committee that has been heretofore appointed to superintend the building of meeting house (after settling with the undertaker [builder] of the same - find the same that has been heretofore levied on the members of this Church [is] not sufficient to defray the expence of building the same) proceed to apportion a balance that may be wanting for that use on the members of this Church and make report thereof on the third Saturday in this month which day we have appointed to meet at this place to do business.
Agreed to reconsider the propriety of our rules of dealing with transgressing members - that matter taken up and refered.
Joseph Graves Clk.

Saturday the 17th of April 1802 Bro. Deweese Moderator.
The committee reported that they have received the meetinghouse and find the whole expence thereof to be L 157-5 and that the sum of L 18-10-16 was still wanting which they have proceeded to levy, on the members of this church. The matter was taken into consideration & proved Satisfactory. [L = British Pound?]
Agreed that the deacons & their successors employ some person from time to time (as the case may require) to take care of the meetinghouse & keep the same in good order, and to compensate the person so appointed for his trouble, out of the Church fund.
Joseph Graves Clk

Saturday the 1st of May 1802 Brother Cave Moderator.
The suspension of Anthony taken up, he still failing to give Satisfaction was suspended. The reference respecting our rules of dealing with transgressing members taken up & refered.
The reference respecting the rules of our stated meetings taken up & after due consultation [we] agreed that there be a stated meeting at the meeting house on every Sunday proceeding [preceding] the first Saturday - likewise third & fifth Sundays in each month [and] at any other time wherever the preachers may think necessary.
A matter taken up concerning the appointment of another moderator & refered.
Joseph Graves Clk

Saturday 15th of June 1803 Brother Kirtley Moderator.
The suspension of Anthony taken up - he giving Satisfaction was restored to fellowship.
Sister [blank] Dawson receiv'd by letter from Simpsons Creek [Baptist] Church -- also Polley Carrell receiv'd for Baptism.
The refference respecting of our rules of dealing with transgressing members taken up, and after [a] full investigation [it was] agreed to the former rule.

Brother John Watts appointed moderator to act in the room [place] of Brother Taylor.
Ordered that the Clerk publickly read the rules of this Church [at] every church meeting untill [he is] ordered otherwise by the Church.
A messuage [sic] from Dry Creek [Baptist] Church by one of her members to this Church requesting helps in the ordination of Brother Vickers, the matter taken up and [we] appointed Brethren Deweese, Cave, Kirtley and Webb to attend at Dry Creek meeting house on the fourth Saturday in this month agreeable to the request of that Church.
Likewise a messuage [sic] from Banklick [Baptist] Church -- requesting helps from this Church in the ordination of one of her members - the matter taken up and [we] appointed Brethren Cave and Kirtley to attend at Banklick meeting house on the second Saturday in July next agreeable to the request of that Church.
Agreeable to an appointment of a meeting on White water [in Indiana] by Brother Deweese on the third Sunday in this month - we appoint Brother Watts, Vawter, Garnett & Cloud to attend with him in order that there may be a door opened for the reception of members.
Joseph Graves Clk

Saturday the 3rd of July 1802 Brother Deweese Moderator.
A Complaint brought in by Brother Watts against Sister Nancy Horsley sen'r for not acknowledging when on oath that she had any tools in her possession belonging to Stephen Horsley - notwithstanding she had made such acknowledgement heretofore. Also some other defeculties [sic] that arose when dealt with on that subject; the matter thereof taken up; satisfaction not fully obtained, and she [was] suspended.
Received John Carrell and William Caldwell for baptism. Likewise William Smith and Elizabeth Jackson by letter.
Brother Jacob Bullock sen'r requested to cite Brother Jacob Bullock Jun'r to attend next meeting and give his reasons for his non attendance [at] several meetings past.
Brother Vawter admitted to exercise a publick gift [to preach] in any way - time or place that to him may appear necessary.
Appointed brethren Cave and Kirtley [as] messengers to the Elkhorn Association which is to commence [begin] on the 2nd Saturday in August next [at Cooper's Run Baptist Church, Bourbon County, KY].
Also appointed Brethren Cave, Scott, Johnson, Absalom and Joseph Graves to write a letter to said association and that the same be presented and read [at the] next meeting.
Joseph Graves Clk

Sunday 11th July 1802
Received Peggy Carrell and Catherine Carrell for Baptism. -- JG

Saturday the 7th of August 1802 Brother Watts Moderator.
A Complaint brought in, by Brother Francis Lehew against Brethren John Horsley and Peter Lehew for entering into a wrangle with each other - Likewise for some unsavory speeches at same time - The matter taken up as to the former [Horsley] and after [a] full investigation - [we] find the Defendant guilty of sin. He failing to give satisfaction was suspended.
Also the matter respecting the latter [Peter Lehew] was taken into consideration and after due consultation - guilt is found and satisfaction not fully obtained and he [was] suspended.
The suspension of Sister Horsley taken up - Satisfaction not obtained - she [was] still held in a state of suspension.
Brother Jacob Bullock - who was cited to attend this meeting and give his reasons for his non attendance [at] several meetings past - has neglected to comply with the request - we therefore appoint Brother Redding to cite him to attend our next [meeting] for same purpose.
Received John Milhollen for baptism.
The Church Letter read and approved.
adjourned till meeting in course
Joseph Graves Clk

Saturday 4th of September 1802 Brother Cave Moderator.
The suspension of Sister Horsley taken up - she still failing to give satisfaction was suspended.
The suspension of Brother John Horsley taken up; he having given satisfaction was restored.
The suspension of Brother Peter Lehew taken up - and satisfaction obtained [and he] was restored.
The referrence [sic] respecting Brother Jacob Bullock continued.
Received George Crist and Elizabeth Crist for baptism.
Agreed that a door be opened on [W]hite water tomorrow [a] week [from now] for the reception of members - Likewise baptism to be administered and that Brethren Dewese & Watts attend a meeting for that purpose.
Agreed that next Church meeting be a communion season [observe the Lord's Supper].
adjourn'd till meeting in course
Joseph Graves Clk

Sunday September 12 1802
Received David Lee - Mary Lee - Abigal Lee and Mary Milhollen for baptism.
Joseph Graves

Saturday the 2nd day of October 1802 Brother Kirtley Moderator.
The suspension of Sister Horsley taken up - she being absent - the matter thereof was continued and Brother Sladyen requested to cite her to attend next meeting.
The reference respecting brother Jacob Bullock continued.
Agreed to reconsider our rule of the complaintant having no voice in the desision [sic] of the accused. The matter thereof taken up and being fully investigated - [we] agreed that no complaining member shall have a voice in the desision [sic] of the accused, where the offence particularly relates to the property - character or person of the accuser.
Agreed to application of the members living North west of the Ohio River for helps in a constitution [organization of a church there] - [We] appointed brethren Lewis Deweese, William Cave, John Hall, John Watts - Forest Webb - Moses Scott & Jeremiah Kirtley to attend for that purpose on the third Saturday in this month, and make a report thereof [at our] next meeting -
adjourned till meeting in course
Granted to brother William Worrell Jun'r and wife a letter of dismission.
Joseph Graves Clk

Saturday 6th day of November 1802 Brother Deweese Moderator.
A complaint brought in by brother Kirtley against brother Peter Lehew for having drank too much spirituous [sic] Liquor and entering into an affray [assault]. The matter thereof taken up - he failing to give satisfaction was excommunicated.
The reference respecting sister Horsley taken up - she giving satisfaction was restored.
The reference respecting brother Jacob Bullock Jun'r taken up - he still failing to attend & refusing to comply with the request [of the church] was excommunicated.
The members of this church who was [sic] appointed last meeting as helps in constituting a church North West of the Ohio River reported that they proceeded to constitute of the following members of this church (to wit) William Ramey, John Milhollen, Mary Milhollen. David Lee, Mary Lee, Abigail Lee and Elizabeth Jackson. And it is agreed that they be there by dismission from our watch care.
Granted brother George Callum & wife a letter of Dismission.
adjourned till meeting in course
Joseph Graves Clk

Saturday the 4th of December 1802 Brother Watts Moderator.
Granted brother Robert Terry & wife a letter of Dismission.
Same to Sister Salley Gilbert.
Same to Sister Nancy Allensworth.
Same to Sister Sibbel Roolf.
Same to Sister Elizabeth Ramey.
adj'd till meeting in course
Joseph Graves Clk


[These records are available at the Boone County Public Library, Scheben Branch, Union, KY 41091. Explanations, additions or corrections are in [ ]. - jrd]

Bullittsburg Churchbook, 1803-1805
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