[The following records of January, 1841 - December, 1842 are transcribed by Mrs. Betty Baldwin of Grace Baptist Church, Georgetown, KY.]
At a meeting held for the church at Bullettsburg Saturday January 2nd 1841.
Brother Robert Kirtley modrThe reffrerence respecting George, a black member, taken up he is found guilty of sin, and failing to give satisfaction, is excluded.
The committee that was appointed at last meeting to take into consideration the present condition of the North Bend Association, presented the following in writing, which was received by the church.
The church of Christ at Bullettsburg takes into consideration the present condition of the North Bend Association. Whereas, it appearing that the order of things has been changed since our last annual meeting by several churches leaving the body in an usual way. (Mudlick, Forkes of Gunpowder, Bethel, Crooked Creek, Four Mile and Salem) One of those churches that left petitioned for and agreed to receive our next association and the Bro who was appointed to write the next circular has also left us. We therefore, reccommend that the churches of Dry Creek, Middle Creek, Sand Run, East Bend, Crooked Creek and the First Baptist Church in Covington appoint a delegation (should they think with us) to meet in council previous to the next sitting of our annual association and make such regulations as they may think advisable. We propose the first Friday in April next to be time of the called meeting, and we the church at Bullettsburg request that meeting to be holden with us. Our doors will be open to receive the brethren and friends at that time.
The following brethren agreed to have a copy of the above to the churches to wit, Bro. Robt Kirtley to Dry Creek and Middle Creek, Rowland Botts to Sand Run, Absalom Graves to East Bend and Covington, and Edward Graves to Crooked Creek.
Brethren Absalom Graves and Alfred E. Chambers are appointed trustees of the church to fill the vacancies occasioned by the death of William Cave and Willis Graves. The brother clerk is appointed by the church, to ascertain who are second in the county court, as trustees of the church and certify those that are now appointed. Bro Edward Graves is appointed with the bro Deacons to employ some person keep the meeting house for one year and report at the next meeting.
Adjourned until meeting in course.
Joseph C. Graves clk - Robert Kirtley modrAt a meeting held for the church at Bullettsburg Saturday the 6th of Feb 1841.
Brother Robt. Kirtley modrThe brother deacons who were appointed at last meeting to employ some person to keep the meeting house for one year. Reported that they had, agreed with bro Joseph C. Graves which report was received, and ordered that twenty dollars be raised by subscription to pay for keeping the meetinghouse for one year.
Upon application of Brother Michael Clore a letter of dismission is granted to sister Nancy Hamilton.
It is reported to this church that Sister Polly Cave, wife of Brother Belfield Cave, has deceased since our last meeting after a lingering and painful illness of several months.
attest - J.C. Graves clk - R. Kirtley modrAt a meeting held for the church at Bullettsburg Saturday the 6th of March 1841.
Brother Robert Kirtley modrWhereas a difficulty existing between brethren Edward Thomas and George M. Johnson, and they wishin the matter be investigated before it is brought to the church. Whereupon they chose the following brethren as a committee to settle the same, Absalom Graves, Edward Graves, Rowland Botts, Robert Kirtley, John Duncan, Absalom Gaines, Lawrence Pope, John H. Walton, Alfred E. Chambers and Joseph A. Graves, to meet at the Bullettsburg meeting house the __ day of March 1841, and now make the following report. The brethren chosen by brethren Thomas and Johnson to settle a difficulty between them. Met at Bullettsburg and after hearing both of their statements find that there is a pointed contradiction between them and write of reconcilliation between them and want of confidence and Christian fellowship and one of opinion that both of the Brethren had acted wrong, and imprudent, and that the matter go before the church and that the Brethren attend accordingly.
The church received the report and referred until next meeting.
Bro. Absalom Graves presented a deed of one acre two rods and 6 poles of land purchased of Gabriel J. Gaines, for an additional lot of the Meetinghouse, provided the church was willing to pay the sum of forty six dollars for the said land, which after some consultation, the church received the deed and agreed to pay the sum above named which was to be raised by an apportionment on the white male members of the church. The bro deacons are appointed to make the apportionment and report at next meeting, be on Thursday before the first Friday in April next.
The following brethren are appointed to meet in council of the called association to be held at Bullettsburg the 1st Friday in April next, Robert Kirtley, Edward Graves, Rowland Botts, Absalom Graves, John Winston, John H. Walton, Mills Wilks, Alfred E. Chambers, John Duncan, Whitfield Early and Joseph C. Graves.
It is reported that sister Betsy Jane Utes died since our last meeting.
Brother ______ Graves is appointed to have the deed from Gabriel J. Gaines to the church acknowledged and recorded.
The bro clerk ordered to draw off the proceedings of January meeting last and present at our next meeting.
attest - J.C. Graves clk - R. Kirtley modr. Cornish March 14, 1841. To whom it may concern. This may certify that Sister Charlotte L. Taylor is a member of the Baptist Church in Cornish N.H. and we cheerfully recommend her to the fellowship of any church of our order where God in his providence may cast her lot.
By order and in behalf of the clk,
A. Burnap clkAt a church meeting held for the Bullettsburg Thursday the 1st day of April 1841.
Brother Robert Kirtley modrThe reference respecting brethren Thomas and Johnson, take up they being present are called upon, to make their statements respecting the difficulty between them -- leave is granted them to retire for a short time with brethren Rowland Botts, Absalom Graves and John H. Walton.
The brother Deacons who were appointed at last meeting to make and apportionment on the white male members of the church reported that they have apportioned the sum of thirty nine dollars and fifty cts, which report was received, with the understanding that the six dollars and fifty cts be raised by subscription, which amount will complete the payment on a certain piece of ground purchased by the church of G.T. Gaines.
The committee that retired with bro Thomas & Johnson report that the brethren, have become reconsiled with each other, and expressed their desire to live peaceable with each other and respect one another as brethren, and on their acknowlegement and reconciliation, to each other, they are restored to their former standing.
Adjourned until meeting in course. attest - JC Graves clerk
Robt. Kirtley modrSaturday 3rd of April 1841.
Received Malena Snyder by letter of recommendation from the Baptist Church at Pleasant Grove Jefferson County Ky
JC Graves clk
R. Kirtley modrApril 3rd 1841.
Upon application of Brother Craid from East Bend a letter of dismission is granted to sister Malinda Hunt.
R. Kirtley modrSunday morning 4th of April 1841.
Samuel Botts received by experience for baptism.
At Bullettsburg Wednesday evening April 7, 1841.
Received Mrs. Emily Botts by experience for baptism.
JC Graves clk - R. Kirtley modrAt a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg Saturday the 1st of May 1841.
Bro. Kirtley moderatorBrother William Grant laid in a complaint against himself for entering into an affray with a man, the matter taken up and he found guilty of sin, but his making satisfactory acknowledgement is restored.
Brethren Scott and Rice from Dry Creek Church informs us that a difficulty is existing with them and asks for helps to meet with them at their next meeting the 3rd Saturday in next month. The church answers their request and appoints brethren Robert Kirtley, Rowland Botts, Edward Graves, Absalom Graves and John H. Walton to meet with them on that day and sit with them in council.
It is proposed we set apart Friday the 14th of the present month, in conformity of a recommendation of the President of the United States -- a day of fasting and prayer. The subject taken up by the church and after some remark by some of the brethren and the reading of the recommendation of the President, the church sets apart the 14th for that purpose and agrees to meet at Bullettsburg at nine o'clock.
Adjourned - R. Kirtley modr.
attest - JC Graves clkSunday morning May 13th. Received by experience for baptism William, a black man belonging to bro. Absalom Gaines and Beasly, a black man belonging to Joseph Norris.
JC Graves clkA meeting of the church at Bullettsburg first Saturday in June 1841.
Bro. Kirtley modrReceived Sister Susan Jones by letter of recommendation from the baptist church at Aurora Indiana.
The church agrees to alter the time of commencing publick worship from 11 o'clock to 10 o'clock during the months of May, June, July and August.
Bro. A. Graves makes known to the church that there is still a ballance due from the church for a piece of land purchased of G.J. Gaines. The church therefore agrees that a subscription be prepared, and the sum of ten dollars by raised in that way.
A letter of dismission granted to bro. David B. Crestenberry.
Proposed to be dismissed & bro. James & Whitaker preach.
G Graves clerk - R Kirtley modrAt a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg Saturday the 3rd of July 1841.
Brother Robert Kirtley modrIt is made known to this church that Sister Polly Early departed this life since our last meeting.
The church requested & expects preaching on their days of business when time & opportunity will admit.
Bro. Alfred E. Chambers is appointed to prepare a letter to the next Association, and present the same at next meeting. The following brethren are appointed as messengers to the association, to be held the 3rd Friday in Aug at East Bend meeting house, Robert Kirtley, Rowland Botts, Edward Graves, Absalom Graves, John H. Watson, A.E. Chambers, Mills Wilks, John Duncan and Joseph C. Graves.
Adjourned until meeting in course. attest - J.C. Graves clk
R. Kirtley modrAt a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg the first Saturday in August 1841.
Brother Kirtley modrThe letter to the association prepared by bro Chambers, was read and adopted.
The church requests the next association.
attest - J.C. Graves clk - Robt. Kirtley modrA meeting held for the church at Bullettsburg the first Saturday in September 1841.
Bro. A. Graves modrUpon application of brother Ben G. Graves, letters of dismission are granted to himself and wife, they are about to move to the State of Missouri.
No other business brought forward, agreed to adjourn and invite bro. Whitaker to preach to us.
attest J.C. Graves, clk
Absalom Graves, modr.At a meeting held for the church at Bullettsburg Saturday the 2nd of October 1841.
Bro. Kirtley modrThe church agrees to a meeting on the first Friday in November next and invite preaching brethren from abroad to be with us at that time & the two succeeding days.
The church also agrees to keep a meeting once a week, at the meeting house or in her bounds.
Adjourned untill meeting in course -Attest J.C. Graves clk
Rob Kirtley modrAt church meeting held at Bullettsburg the first Saturday in Nov. 1841.
Bro. Kirtley modrNo business brought forward agreed to adjourn & invite our visiting preaching brethren to preach for us.
J.C. Graves clk - Rob. Kirtley modrAt a meeting held for the church at Bullettsburg Saturday the 4th of Dec 1841.
Bro. Robt. Kirtley modrBro Whitfield Early requests the church to exempt him from, further acting as a Deacon. The subject taken up and after some remarks the request is granted.
It is made known by the bro Deacons that the funds of the church is exausted and the church low in dept. The subject taken up and after investigation the church requests the bro deacons to proportion the sum of thirty dollars on the free white male members of the church and report at next meeting.
It is proposed and seconded that the church take into consideration the propriety of appointing one or more deacons. The subject taken up and continued until next meeting.
Adjourned until meeting in course.
attest J. C. Graves clk - Robert Kirtley modrAt a church meeting at Bullettsburg Saturday the 1st day of January 1842.
Brother Kirtley moderatorThe bro deacons report a proportionment of twenty two dollars and twenty five cents, which is received as satisfactory by the church.
The refference of appointing one or more deacons taken up and the church agrees to appoint two more in addition and continues the subject until next meeting.
attest - J.C. Graves clerk - Adj. Robt. Kirtley modrThird Sunday 16th of January 1842. Received by Letter Mary T. Warner from the First Baptist Church in Covington. - J.C. Graves clk
A church meeting at Bullettsburg the 1st Saturday in February 1842.
Bro. Robert Kirtley modrPepin a black man belonging to bro Absalom Graves (formerly owned by bro Kirtley) who was excluded from this church for the sin of purloining about twenty years ago, came forward and made satisfactory acknowledgement and is again restored to the fellowship of the church.
The refference from last meeting respecting the appointment of two additional deacons was taken up and after further consideration, the church agrees to appoint only one at this time. And, after private ballott the church unanimous unites upon bro John Duncan to fill that office who consenting also upon motion of Bro Edward Graves, it is agreed that the ordination take place at our next meeting on Sabboth Day and that we request help from Dry Creek Middle Creek and Sand Run. R. Kirtley & A. Graves attend at Dry Creek & Middle Creek and bro Edward Graves ask helps from Sand Run to attend with us on the first Saturday & Sunday in next month.
Upon application of bro John Winston a letter of dismission is granted to Sister Ann M. Elliot.
Also letters of dismission are granted to bro. Elijah Grant and Kitturah Grant his wife.
Adjourned until next meeting
Attest J. C. Graves clk - R Kirtley modrAt a church meeting at Bullettsburg the first Saturday in March 1842.
Brother Kirtley moderatorThe refference of bro John Duncan ordination as a deacon of the church taken up. The brethren who were appointed to attend the churches asking helps report they attended to the request of the churches and brethren now in attendance as follows. From Dry Creek brethren Charles Scott and James Robinson; from Middle Creek brethren Wm Garnett Wm. Huey John Brady and Robert Huey; from Sand Run Wm. Whitaker, Wm. Gaines Cave Montague and Lewis Webb. Bro. Reuben Graves, being present from the State of Illinois, is invited to take his seat as one of the helps. Bro Duncan & Sister Duncan his wife being present and further consulted on the subject and assenting to will of the church. The council after due consideration and investigation, unanimously concur in the choice of the church. It is now unanimously agreed that the ordination take place on tomorrow after preaching. Bro. Whitaker is invited to aid in the ordination.
J.C. Graves clk - R. Kirtley modrAt a church meeting at Bullettsburg Saturday the 2nd day of April 1842. Brother R. Kirtley moderator
It is proposed by Bro Edward Graves that the church take into consideration the propriety of incouraging gifts among us and after consideration the Licensed brethren Alfred E. Chambers and James Kirtley to exercise in publick in any manner they think propper, and as requested by the church so to do.
Letters of dismission to bro Lawrence Pope & wife.
Adjourned untill meeting in course
attest J.C. Graves - Robert Kirtley modrAt a church meeting at Bullettsburg the 1st Saturday in May 1842. Bro Kirtley modr
By the request of bro E. Graves a letter of dismission is granted to Sister Mary Harwood, she being about to move from the neighborhood.
It is proposed by bro Rowland Botts that the church set apart a day of fasting and prayer, the subject taken up and the first Friday in June is set apart for that purpose. The church agrees to meet at 9 o'clock a.m.
No other business claiming the attention of the church, agreed we adjourn & invite brethren Palmer & Craig to preach.
attest J.C. Graves clk - Robt Kirtley modr.At a meeting at Bullettsburg the first Saturday in June 1842.
Bro. Absalom Graves modrNo business claiming the attention of the church agreed to adjourn and the brethren present preach for us.
attest Joseph C. Graves clk - A. Graves modrAt a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg the first Saturday in July 1842.
Bro. Kirtley moderatorCharlotte L. Taylor received by letter of recomendation from the Baptist Church at Cornish, New Hampshire.
Milly, a black woman belonging to brother Absalom Graves, restored to the fellowship of the church.
Bro James Kirtley is appointed to prepare a letter to the ensuing North Bend Association and present it at next meeting. The following brethren are appointed as messengers to same association to be held with us: Robert Kirtley, Alfred E. Chambers, Rowland Botts, John Duncan, Edward Graves, Absalom Graves, John H. Walton, James Kirtley and Joseph C. Graves.
The following brethren are appointed a committee, to examine and select a suitable site for a stand, and report at next meeting (viz, Edward Graves, Rowland Botts, Absalom Graves, Alfred E. Chambers. Joseph C. Graves, John H. Walton and Belfield Cave.
Adjourned - R Kirtley modr
attest J.C. Graves clkAt a church meeting held for the church at Bullettsburg Saturday 6th of August 1842.
Bro. Kirtley modrThe letter to the association was read and approved.
The committee who was appointed to select a place for a stand for the ensuing association reported that they had selected a place near the brick schoolhouse as the most suitable, which selection was approved. It is further agreed that we meet on next Thursday for the purpose of making the necessary preparation for the association or congregation, the committee to superintend, on motion agreed to request ministers H. Ute, James Joel Garnett, G.T. Gaines & Burris to act as committee to preserve order at the stand during the association.
A request from the church at Middle Creek by their messenger Squire G. Scott, for this church together with the church at Sand Run to cooperate with them, the church at Middle Creek, in holding a meeting on the third Saturday and Sunday in each month in Burlington for the purpose of worship & receiving members who when so received would be at liberty to unite with either church.
The matter was taken up and after full investigation, it was thought most advisable, not to enter into the proposed cooperation. So far as respects the members, but at the same time we approve of the efforts of Middle Creek Church in keeping up worship at the time proposed & hope a blessing may ensue.
attest - Webb clk protem - R. Kirtley modrBullettsburg Aug 22, 1842. Received by experience for baptism Albert G. Dicken, Margaret Minor, Eunice W. Maxwell, Eleanor Witt, Elizabeth Johnson, Leonidus Balsley, Ann Botts, Joseph Botts and Robert Graves.
Tuesday, Aug 23rd. Received by experience for baptism Francis Morris.
Aug 25, 1842. Received by experience for baptism Randal, black man belonging to bro. Absalom Graves.
Friday August 21st. Received by experience Frances Prunell. Same Day was baptised Albert A. Dicken, Margarett Minor, Leonides Balsley, Ann Botts, Joseph Botts, Robert Graves, Francis Morris and Randall, black man belonging to bro A. Graves.
At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg Sat 3rd of Sept 1842.
Bro Kirtley moderatorNo business claiming the attention of the church agreed to adjourn & invite breth. Lewis & Whitaker to preach to us.
J.C. Graves clk - R. Kirtley modrSunday morning Sept 4, 1842. Received b experience James Sebree & Odin, black man belonging to bro. Robt. Kirtley.
Sept 7th 1841. Received by experience Eliza James, George Kirtley & Sidney Sandford.
Sept 8th. Was baptised - Eleanor Watts, Elizabeth Johnson, Eliza James, George Kirtley, Sidney Sandford, Frances Prunell, James Sebree & Odin a black man & Mary black woman.
Saturday evening Sept 16 1842. Received by experience for baptism Joel Garnett, Martha Ann Garnett & Virginia Garnett.
Sunday morning Sept 17. Agreeably to the recommendation of the association the church sets apart the first Saturday in October as a day of fasting humiliation & prayer before God humbly imploring the great head of the Church to send more labourers among us and bless us. Same day was baptised Joel Garnett, Martha Ann Garnett, Virginia Garnett & Milton Graves.
The church agrees to meet on Friday before the first Saturday in Oct. to attend to church business.
attest - JC Graves clk - R. Kirtley modrThe Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at St. Marys Hancock County Illinois.
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that our beloved Sister Mary Graves is a member of our body, in good standing and full fellowship and as such we cheerfully recommend her to the Christian affection & watchcare of our brethren, wherever God in the providence, may cast their lot. Done by order of the Church.
September 12th 1842 - Henry Garnett clk
At a church meeting held for the church at Bullettsburg Friday the 30th of September 1842.
Bro. Absalom Graves ModrThe Death of Sister Julia Sullivan is reported by bro R. Botts and the death of Jinny black member belonging to bro William Gaines.
Adjourned until meeting in course. attest - J.C. Graves clk - A. Graves modrSaturday 15 day of Obt. 1842. Received by letter from Ten Mile Church, James black man formerly belonging to John Thomas.
Letters of dismission granted to Martin Johnson & wife who expects shortly to move the State if Illinois.
Sunday 2nd Received by experience for baptism Sarah Dicken, Elizabeth Ingraham & Susan Grant.
Saturday 15 Oct. Received Richard Graves by experience for baptism.
Sunday 16th October 1842. Letter of dismission granted to bro. Samuel Botts & Emily Botts his wife, who are about to move to the State of Missouri. Same day was baptised Sarah Dicken, Elizabeth Ingraham, Susan Grant & Richard Graves. Same day received Tandy black man belonging to George L. Balsley.
Wednesday evening Oct. 19th 1842. Received by experience for baptism Walter Haydon & Nelson black man belonging to sister Dicken.
Sunday 30th Oct. 1842. Received by experience for baptism Stephen black boy belonging to John Kirtley.
Letter of dismission granted to bro Franklin Graves. Same day baptised Nelson & Tandy.
Wednesday evening received by experience for baptism James McIntosh & Wiley black man belonging to J.C. Graves.
At a meeting of Church at Bullettsburg Saturday the first of Nov 1842.
Bro. Robert Kirtley moderatorBro Whitfield Early laid in a complaint against Sharlotte (black member belonging to Mr Brasher) for leaving this church and joining the Reformers. The subject taken up & Bro Early & Bro Rowland Botts appointed to see her & report at next meeting.
On motion of bro. Edward Graves the clerk of this church is directed to draw up a copy of Bro James A. Kirtley's license to preach & send to him now in Georgetown Kentucky.
A petition presented to this church by brethren G.H. & S.G. Scott asking the counsil of this church on the subject or practabillity of constituting a Baptist Church in the Town of Burlington. The subject taken up and after investigation the church approves of the course taken by the brethren & sisters in Burlington.
attest - J.C. Graves clerk - Robt. Kirtley modrSaturday Evening Nov. 5 1842. Received by experience for baptism Nancy, black woman belonging to John C. Hatton, & Jacob, black man belonging to G.J. Gaines.
Sunday 6th of Nov. received by letters of commendation from the Baptist Church at St. Mary's, Illinois, as man has been, J. Childers, under our watch came during this stay with us.
Same day was baptised Walter Haydon, James McIntosh, Stephen belonging to John Kirtley, & Milly belonging to J.C. Graves, Nancy to J.C. Holton and Jacob to Gabrael G. Gaines.
Sunday Night 6th Nov. 1842. Received by experience for baptism William belonging to John Holton.
Wednesday night Nov 16. received by experience for baptism Rose a servant of bro. Absalom Graves & Chester, servant of J.C. Graves.
Thursday 17th 1842. Received by experience for baptism Chester Allen.
Sunday 20th Nov 1842 was baptised William Rose & Chester servants as above named and on Thurs 24 was baptised Chester Allen.
At a meeting of the Church at Bullettsburg Saturday Dec the 3rd 1842.
Bro. R. Kirtley modrBro A. Graves laid in a complaint against Sister Ana Marshall for leaving the church & joining the Methodist. The subject taken up & & brethren Edward Graves & James Ingram appointed to see her and report at next meeting.
The refference respecting Sharlotte taken up, the Brethren appointed to see her report that they saw her but she refused to hear them or the church. She is found guilty of sin, is excluded.
Rachael black girl belonging to Sister Polly was received by experience for baptism.
John W. Graves came forward and made satisfactory acknowledgements to the church where upon he is restored.
A request received from the Town of Burlington by brother George H Scott, as council & helps in constituting a baptist church in Burlington on 13th of the present month. The Church grants the request and the following brethren are appointed to meet with them on the day before named Robert Kirtley, Whitfield Early, Rowland Botts, Absalom Graves, Edward Graves, John Duncan, Alfred E. Chambers, John H. Walton and Joel Garnett, and report next meeting.
The Church grants liberty to any of the members living near Burlington who may wish to unite in a constitution in that place but to report to this church after so uniting in said constitution.
attest - Joseph C. Graves clk - Robt Kirtley modrSaturday evening Dec. 16, 1842. Received by experience for baptism Molley servant of Lewis B. Arnold & Edmund belonging to br. A. Graves.
December 25, 1842. Received Thomas Graves by experience for baptism.
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