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Boone County, Kentucky

The first church established in northern Kentucky - June, 1794

[The following pages: 204 - 225 were transcribed by Mrs. Betty Baldwin of Grace Baptist Church, Georgetown, KY and were recently added to the Bullittsburg Baptist Church documents.]

[p. 204]
On motion the church moves by a vote receive Bro Moss’s letter & expresses satisfaction with Bro Moss’s relation & acknowledgement, he is invited as formerly to exercise his privileges as a minister of the gospel with & among us
attest. Adjourned - Robt. Kirtley Mod.
W. Graves clk

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg Meeting house 1st Saturday in March 1834
Bro Joseph Botts Modr

Rec'ed Agness Boswell by experience for Baptism also recd Elias S. Maston and Sister Lucy Maston his wife by Letters.

Upon application a Letter of dismission is granted to Bro. Wm. Franks and Sister Julia Franks his wife. (Letters granted Wm. Franks and wife.)

On motion it is agreed that the Bros Deacons ap[p]ortion as near the sum of Twenty Dollars as they can on the free white male members of this church & Report the same at our next meeting.

On motion it is agreed that Brother Demas Moss be & he is appointed as a moderator of this church & to act as such in turn with the other Bro moderators.

On motion it is agreed that this church have often observe & have stated meeting on the 3rd Saturday in each month for prayer and supplication.

The reference respecting Bro. Peter Price was taken up a letter from Bro. Price rec'd & read stating his being too unwell to attend today. On motion the mat[t]er is postponed untill our next meeting.
Agreed to Adgerd - Joseph Botts Mod
attest. - Willis Graves Ck

[p. 205]
At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in April 1834
Bro Demas Moss Modr.

The Bro. Deacons reported an apportionment of the sum of $20.27 c/ upon the free white male members of this church made agreeable to the direction of the church at the last meeting which is satisfactory to the church & the s'd [said] Bill of apportionment is handed Back to the Bro. Deacons for collection.

The reference respecting Bro. Price was taken up as he being absent & on motion it is pos[t]poned untill our next meeting.
Adjourned - Demas Moss Mod.
Willis Graves clk

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house 1st Saturday in May 1834
Bro Robt. Kirtley modr

The reference respecting Bro. Price was taken up & he being absent, he is found guilty of sin for absenting himself from this church & not attending as requested by this church and he failing to give satisfaction is Excluded.
Adjourned - Robtr. Kirtley Mod
Willis Graves clk

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in June 1834
Broth Joseph Botts Mod

Sister Jane Pope Rec’d by Letter
Adjourned - Joseph Botts Modr
attest - W. Graves clk

[p. 206]
July Meeting 1834

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh the 1st Saturday in July 1834
Bro. Demas Moss Mod

Sister Esther Moss rec’d by letter. Bro. Robt Kirtley appointed to prepare a letter to the next association & present it at our next meeting.

Brethren Robt. Kirtley Demas Moss Joseph Botts Willis Graves Roland Botts James Gaines Ed'd Graves & Ruben Graves are appointed Messengers to next association.

Brethren George Gaines Jno. Terrell Edward Graves Roland Botts and Absaolom Graves are appointed a committee to attend to have the seats fixed for the accommodation of the next association, and also to attend to the keeping of good order so far a practicable during the days of the association.

Agreed that we request the association to meet an hour earlier than this. Order of business on preaching during then session for the purpose of prayer to Almighty God that he would revive his work of grace among us, and that the members appointed to prepare the letter to the association insert the same in it.
Adjourned - Demas Moss Mod
Reub. Gaines clk protem

August Meeting 1834

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house 1st Saturday August 1834
Broth. Robt. Kirtley Mod

[p. 207]
Bro. R. Hirtley reported a Letter to next northBend association which read is approved & adopted as aces Letter.

On motion of Brother A Graves the church agrees to express her views & wishes in relation to the preaching of Bro. Asa a black who is licensed by this church to preach, & in order that the members of this church gene[r]ally may have a better opportunity of hearing Bro Asa preach hereafter. It is agreed that he hereafter when it is practicable have his appointments to preach published at our meetings at this place & when opportunity serves preach in our meeting house. Bro. Roland Botts is appointed to see Bro. Asa & inform him of the wishes & request of the church on this subject. It is however understood that the Bro. will have no meeting within bounds of this church at the time of our 1st & 3rd Sunday meetings.
Robert Kirtley - Mod
attest adjourned
Willis Graves clk

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting 1st Saturday in Sept 1834
Bro Joseph Botts Mod

It is reported and made known to this church that Sisters Jane Cloud and Ellen Gaines have departed this life since our last meeting.
Jos Botts Mod
attest - Willis Graves clk

[p. 208]
October 1834

At a meeting of church at Bullettsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in October 1834
Broth Demas Moss Modr

Upon application a letter of dismission is granted to Sister Mary Owen late sister Mary Lantz.

On motion it is agreed that this church do take in to consideration the resolution of the last N.Bend association in relation to raising a fund to defray the expenses of our Brethn who as messengers attend distant association. The matter is taken up and agreed to be postponed to be taken up & considered at any convenient time between this time and our July meeting. Adjourned Demas Moss - Modr
Willis Graves clk

November 1834

At a church meeting at Bullettsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in November 1834
Bro Joseph Botts - Mod

It is made known to this church that Sister Eletha Utz has departed this life since our last meeting.

Upon application let[t]ers of dismission are granted to Bro. James A. Terrill & Sister Agness Terrill his wife late Agness Boswell.
Attest - Adjourned - Joseph Botts - Modr
Willis Graves clk

[p. 209]
December 1834

At a church meeting at Bullettsburg meeting house 1st Saturday in December 1834
Bro Robt Kirtley - Modr

Bro. Roland Botts laid in a complaint against bro. Wm. Hensley for getting in to an affray and intoxication, the matter taken up and he found guilty of sin by a vote of the church Bro Edw'd Graves and Robt. Cornelius is appointed to cite to our next meeting.

Reported that our beloved Bro. Willis Graves a member of this church departed this life of the the Palsy the 12th day of Nov. last at about 4 oclock A.M. after illness of about 7 hours.

Obituary Notice of W[illis]. GRAVES

He was born the 12th day of October 1790 in Maddison County Va. And removed to this County in the spring of 1797. He made profession of religion and joined this church in February 1811. Since his orderly walk and pious conversation (in the multiplicity of great temp. and affairs) has endeared him to his Christian brethren.

He was appointed clerk to this church in 1826 and also a member to the Northbend association in the same year the association appointed him their Clerk which office he was continued in during his life and discharged them to the entire satisfaction of his brethren. If, he had any one distinguishing Christian virtue which shone above the other it was that solumn injunction the great Apostle gave his Hebrew brethren - But to do good and to communicate, forget not-

Bro James Gaines Appointed clerk to this church
Adjourned Robt Kirtley Mod R Gaines clk protem

[p. 210]
January 1835

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in January 1835.
Bro Joseph Botts - Modr

The reference respecting Bro William Hensley taken up and he failing to attend and give satisfaction is excluded.

It is reported and made known to this church that Bro. James Allen has departed this life since last meeting.

Granted Letters of dismission to Bro Demas Moss and Sister Esther Moss his wife.
Attest - Agreed to Adjourn
Jas Gaines clk - Joseph Botts Modr

February 1835

At a Bullettsburg Church meeting first Saturday in February 1835
Bro Joseph Botts Modr

It is reported and made known to this church that old Sister Elizabeth Willis has departed this life since our last meeting.

On motion it is agreed to put off our communion until our next monthly meeting.
Agreed to adjourn
Attest - Jas Gaines clk
Joseph Botts Modr

[p. 211]
March Meeting 1835

At a Bullettsburg Church meeting first Saturday in March 1835
Bro Robert Kirtley - Mod

It is reported to this church that Sister Hannah Parker and Sister Elizabeth Gaines has departed this life since our last meeting.

A letter of dismission is granted to Bro. Jefferson Lantz he being about to move to the state of Illinois.

On motion it is agreed to take up the refference from our last October meeting in relation to a resolution of the N.Bend association at the last session respecting of raising a fund to defray the expenses of our corrisponding Brethren who attend distant association as messengers.

The matter investigated and by a vote of the church agreed to concur with the resolution of the association and also agreed to contribute five dollars for that purpos[e].
Agreed to Adjourn - Robt Kirtley Mod
Attest - Jas Gaines clk

April 1835

At a Bullettsburg Church meeting held first Saturday in April 1835
Bro Joseph Botts - Modr

It being made known to this church that Bro. Peter Cropper has removed his residence from the bounds of this church and that he expected to be at this meeting and apply for a letter of dismission but had failed. Therefore it is agreed that on the application of Bro Cropper to the clerk of this church for a letter he is authorized give it.
Attest that we be Adjourned - Joseph Botts Mod
R. Graves clk protem

[p. 212]

May 1835

At a Bulletsburg church meeting held first Saturday in May 1835
Bro Robert Kirtley Mdr

Received Sister Margaret Botts by letter of recommendation from Maysville.

Bro. R. Botts Absalom Graves & John Gaines is appointed to a committee to examine our meeting house roof and report at our next meeting what repairs they think it requires.

On motion Bro Joseph Botts R. Botts John Gaines & Jas Gaines is appointed to examine the list of our members names and report those at our next meeting that have moved away and have not obtained letters of dismission.
Ordered that we be adjourned Robert Kirtley Mdr
Attest Jas Gaines clk

June 1835

At a Bulletsburg church meeting first Saturday in June 1835
Bro Joseph Botts mdr

The committee appointed to examine the meeting house roof reported that the south side required recovering and that the north might do for some time by some repairing. The matter taken up and agreed to receive the report, and Brethren George Gaines Rold and Botts & A Graves are appointed to have the work completed, and also with Bro Early to assess on the church the probable amount of the cost of the same, and also the ordinary expenses of the church and report at our next meeting.

[p. 213]
The committee appointed to examine and report the members who have moved away and have not obtained letters of dismission reported the following. . . Ann M Elliott, Smith Campbell, John W. Graves, Fanny Hiattte, James Hiatte, Miranda Hiatte, Frances Cornelius, Rachel Lynn, Massa belonging to T Tousey, Will to J Terrill, Myra to B. Mitchell, Letty to M Ryle, Coffey to Noble Heins. . . The matter taken up & Bro Robt Kirtley appointed to write Sister Ann M. Elliott a friendly letter, and Bro Robt. Cornelius appointed to write to Fanny Hiatte, James Hiatte and Miranda Hiatte, & Bro James Gaines write to Frances Cornelius, and that Bro George Gaines try to ascertain where Sister Rachel Lynn has moved to and write her a letter, and that Bro John Gaines ascertain whether Sister Massa is yet living, and Bro A . Graves try to ascertain where Sister Myra lives and her standing, and that Bro. M. Clave ascertain the standing of Bro Coffey. . . and all to report to the church as soon as they conveniently can.

Reported that Sister Letty has been removed from this state to the Lower Country. Therefore as we can know nothing of her standing, now she receives many benefits from the society of this church if she is yet living. Therefore it is agreed that she now be considered not a member with us.

On application of Bro. A. Graves, letters of dismission granted to Brethren Smith Campbell & John W. Graves.

On application of Bro. George Gaines a letter of dismission is granted to Sister Fanny Cole.
Adjourned - Joseph Botts mdr
attest - A Graves

[p. 214]
July 1835

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday in July 1835
Bro Robert Kirtley mdr

The committees that were appointed to have acer. meeting house roof repairs reported that the work was completed and also reported a bill of expense for repairing said roof amounting to $31 and 25 cents which was received by the church, and the Bro Deacons to pay off said bill as soon as they have a sufficiency of the church's funds in their hands.

The Brethren that were appointed to make an assessment on the free white male member of this church reported they had apportioned 4 q dollars and 75 cents which was also rec'd by the church.

Reported that Bro Richard Graves has departed this life since our last meeting. Received a letter from Bro. James G. Hiatte and Sister Miranda Hiatte his wife requesting letters of dismission and also making satisfactory acknowledgement for their long absence from this church. Agreed to grant request.

On application of Ed Graves, a letter of dismission is granted to Sister Elizabeth Cornelius.

Bro. R. Graves is appointed to prepare a letter to our next association and report it at our next meeting and Brethren Robert Kirtley Joseph Botts Edward Graves Whitfield Early Reuben Graves & James Gaines are appointed messengers to said association.
Agreed to be adjourned - Robt Kirtley mdr
attest - James Gaines clk

[p. 215]
August 1835

At a church meeting held at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday in August 1835
Joseph Botts mdr

Bro. R. Graves presented the letter to the association which was read and approved by the church.

Bro Robert Kirtley who was appointed to write a friendly letter to Sister Ann M. Elliott reported that he had wrote her letter, and since he had a conversation with her, and she gave reasons for the long absence which was satisfactory to this church.

Bro John Gaines who was appointed to ascertain whether Sister Massa a black member of this church was yet living, he reported that on inquiry he was informed she was yet living at her former residence which report was received ty the church.

Agreed to have a meeting commencing the friday before the first saturday in October and the incert [sic] it in our letter to the association that we wish as many of our preaching brethren to attend us as conveniently can.

Reported that Bro James Graves has departed this life since our last meeting.

Bro John W. Graves who obtained a letter of dismission from this church has returned the same, and wishes still to be considered a member with us.

Bro Roland Botts is appointed a messenger to the association in addition to those all ready appointed.
Agreed to be adjourned - Joseph Botts mdr
attest - James Gaines clk

[p. 216]
September 1835

At a church meeting held at Bullettsburg meeting house 1st Saturday in September 1835

Neither of our moderators being present Brother Wlm Whitaker from Sand Run was invited to act as moderator for us.

Bro Michael Clave who was appointed to ascertain the standing of Bro Coffee a black member who has moved out of the bounds of this church. . . Reported that he had seen the brother and had a conversation with him and ascertained that he had been living for come considerable time in disorder - sutch [sic] as drinking to mutch spiritious liquors and swearing. The matter taken up and Bro R. Cornelius appointed to see Bro Coffee and request his attendence at our next meeting.

Bro Michael Clare made known to this church that Lewis a black member of this church belonging to Mr. Balsly has been sold and carried off out of our reach, and where as it is reported that he had been guilty of some immoral conduct and Brethrn E. Graves and Jas Gaines is appointed to inquire into the matter, and report at our next meeting.
Agreed to be adjourned - William Whitaker mdr
attest - James Gaines clk

[p. 217]
October 1835

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house 1st Saturday in October 1835.
Robert Kirtley Moderator

The reference respecting Bro. Coffee was taken up and continued until our next meeting unless the Bro chould attend in course of the day in which case it may be attended to --

The reference also respecting Bro. Lewis was taken up and continued until next meeting.

By the request of Bro. Robert Cornelius Letters of Recommendation was granted to himself and wife and three of the black family (to wit) William, Anderson and Dafney.
Adjourned the meeting in course - Robt. Kirtley Mdr
B. Watts clk protem

November 1835

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday in November 1835.
Bro Joseph Botts moderator

The refference respecting Bro Coffee was taken up and continued until our next meeting unless he should attend tomorrow in which case it may be attended to.

[p. 218]
The reference respecting Bro. Lewis was taken up and Bro. Edward Graves who was appointed to enquire into his case reported thaty he was of opinion that he had stolen some goods and also had departed from the truth respecting of them--and whereas he has been sold and is out of reach of this church and is not practicable to deal with him according to her rules. It is therefore agreed that he be considered no more a member with us.

On application of Bro R. Botts letters of dismission are granted to Bro Elias Masters and wife and Sister Margaret Botts.
Agreed to be adjourned - Joseph Botts mdr
attest - Jas Gaines clk

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday in December 1835.

The reference respecting Bro Cuffee was taken up and investigated and by a vote of the church he is found guilty of sin and he, failing to attend and give satisfaction, is excluded.
Adjourned - Robert Kirtley mdr
attest Jas Gaines clk

[p. 219]
January 1836

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday in January 1836.
Bro Joseph Botts mdr

On motion it is agreed that a weekly meeting be held at this or some other convenient place in the bounds of this church or as the Brethren may agree upon.
Adjourned - Bro Joseph Botts mdr
attest - J.W. Graves clk protem

February 1836

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburg meeting house first Saturday in February 1836. Robert Kirtley moderator

On motion it is agreed that the Bro Deacons attend to procuring fine wood for the use of this meeting house and to defray the expenses out of the churches' [sic] funds.

On motion of Bro. E. Graves agreed to appoint one or more additional Deacons to this church. The matter taken us and referred for further consideration until our next meeting.
Adjourned - Robert Kirtley moderator
attest - J Gaines clk

NOTE: Missing the minutes for March 1836 and part of April 1836

[p. 221]
From the April 1836 minutes:
and that Brother Joseph Botts request helps from Middle Creek, Brother Michael Clore from the Forks of Gunpowder, and Bro. James Gaines from Sand Run to meet with and assist in the ordination of Bro. Graves at our next meeting.
attest James Gaines clk
Robert Kirtley moderator

May Meeting 1836

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in May 1836.
Joseph Botts mod'r

The reference respecting the ordination of Bro Absalom Graves as a Deacon to this church taken up. And the Brethren appointed to request help from our Sister churches reported they had done so, and the Brethren in attendance as follows -- From Middle Creek Brother John Brady and William Garnett, from the Forks of Gunpowder, Brethren Lewis Connor and John S. Carter, from Sand Run, Brethren Cave Montague & William N. McClay. The church still, by her vote, requests Bro Graves to serve. The question was then put to Brother Graves & Sister Graves to know whether they are willing to serve the church. Their answer is they are willing through the help of the Lord --

The helps concuring with the church. It is agreed to pos[t]pone the ordination untill tomorrow morning before preaching.

Reported that Sister Lucy Botts and Lavina belonging to Bro McClay has des Deceased.
attest - Jas Gaines clk
Joseph Botts modr

First Sunday in May 1836

The ordination of Bro Absalom Graves as a Deacon of this church took place agreeable to the arrangement of the church on yesterday in the manner. Imposition of hands by Brother Lewis Connner and Joseph Botts and charged by Bro. Robert Kirtley.

[p. 222]
June Meeting 1836

At a Bul[l]ettsburg church meeting first Saturday in June 1836.
Robert Kirtley mod

No business brought forward. Agreed to be adjourned and invite our preaching brother to a word of exertation [sic].
attest - James Gaines
Robert Kirtley mdr

July Meeting 1836

At a Bullettsburg church meeting held on the first Saturday in July 1836.
Bro Joseph Botts Modr

Received Brother Benjamin Crissenberry and Sister Rebecca Crissenberry his wife by Letter of Recommendation from the church at Poplargrove.

Bro John Gaines is appointed to prepare a letter to the next association and present it at our next meeting for inspection and Brethren Robt. Kirtley, Joseph Botts, Ewd Graves, Whitfield Early, Reuben Graves, Absalom Graves and Jas Gaines are appointed messengers to bear said letter.

Received a request from the church at East Bend (by her messenger Brother William Kirtley) for helps to attend them on the third Saturday in this month to assist in the ordination of a Deacon. The matter taken up and agreed to answer there request and Brethren Robert Kirtley, A. Graves, R. Botts and Reuben Graves are appointed to attend them accordingly.
attest - James Gaines clk
Joseph Botts moderator

[p. 223]
August Meeting 1836

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in August 1836.
Bro Kirtley mdr

The letter to the association written by Bro John Gaines called for read and approved. The helps appointed to attend East Bend [Baptist] Church reported that they all attended and that Brother William Craig was set apart and ordained as a deacon of said church.

Bretren Roland Botts, George Gaines, Edward Graves & Absalom Graves is appointed a committee to repair our meeting house floor and report the expense as soon as the work is completed.
attest - James Gaines
Robt Kirtley mdr

September Meeting 1836

At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in September 1836.
Bro Joseph Botts Modr

The committee who were appointed at our last meeting to repair our meeting house floor report that they have attended to the same and the expenses amounted to seven dollars which report was satisfactory and said amount ordered to be paid by the deacons out of the Church funds.

Received Henry T. Gaines and Mary Jane Gaines by experience for baptism & then to all the priviledges of the Church.

Received a request from the church at the Forks of Gunpowder (by Bro Delph) for helps to assist in the ordination of Bro John Underhill to the ministry to meet at their next church meeting, the matter taken up & Brethren Joseph Botts, Michael Clore, Edward Graves, & Absalom Graves, are appointed to attend accordingly.

[p. 224]
Continued -
Upon application letters of dismission are granted to the following brethren and sisters (to wit) Bro Joseph Botts, Sabra Botts, Reuben Graves, Elizabeth Graves, Wm. W.[M?] Graves, Cornelia Graves, Wm Weldon and Polly Weldon, who are all about to move to the west.
attest - James Gaines clk
Joseph Botts mdr

First Sunday in Sept, Henry T. Gaines & Mary Jane Gaines were Baptized by immersion.

October Meeting 1836

At a Bulletsburg church meeting first Saturday in October 1836
Bro Robert Kirtley Moderator

Roland Botts laid in a complaint against Sister Nancy Terrill, for joining a body of people known by the name of Campbellites or Reformers & also against Bro. Robert Terrill (from information). The matter taken up. Brethren Roland Botts and Edward Graves appointed to see them, cite to our next church meeting.

Sister Fanny Griffith and sun [son] Miller Deceased.

Upon application of Bro Benjamin Crisenberry, letters of dismission are granted to himself & wife.

The Brethren who were appointed at our last meeting to attend the church at the Forks of Gunpowder as helps to assist in the ordination of Bro John Underhill, report they obeyed the order of this church & that the Ordination failed to take place.

In conformity to the recommendation of the North Bend Association at her last session.

It is therefore agreed that we observe the first Saturday in November next as a day of Fasting, Humiliation, & Prayer to God. To meet at this place at half past nine O'clock a.m.
attest - James Gaines clk
Robert Kirtley mdr

[p. 225]
At a Bullettsburg church meeting first Saturday in Nov 1836.
Robt Kirtley mod

The reference respecting Sister Nancy Terrill and Bro. Robt Terrill was taken up, and on motion, postponed until our next meeting.

Received Sister Mary Fowler by letter of recommendation from the church at Licking, Campbell County.

Upon application of Bro. Michael Clore a letter of dismission is granted to himself.
James Gaines clk
Robert Kirtley Mod

At a meeting of the Bullettsburg Church first Saturday in Dec 1836.
Bro R. Kirtley Moderator

The reference respecting sister Nancy Terril[l] and Brother Robt Terrill taken up and after investigation, the church was informed they had joined the Campbellites or Reformers, contrary to the rules of this church and are found guilty of sin... Consequently they were excluded.

Bro W. Early reported Br. William M. Gaines departed this life on the 20 Oct. last in Virginia.
attest - Jas Gaines clk protem
Robert Kirtley mdr

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