Sebern Perry Brady
Bro. Brady was born in Boone county, Kentucky, May 1st, 1816, on the farm now owned by John E. Walton, situated on the Bellevue and Burlington turnpike. His resdience during his entire life was in his native county, and at no time did he live as far as five miles from the place of his birth.
His father, John Brady, was also a native of Boone county, and married Miss Polly Jack, of Gallatin county, she being a native of Woodford county. Their respective ages at the time of their marriage were 18 and 14 years. To them were born two sons and seven daughters, Sebern, William, Matilda, Jane, Harriet, Missouri, Effie, Ann and America. His grandfather, William Brady, was a Revolutionary soldier, and served under General Marion.
Bro. Brady was thrice married. His first marriage was to Miss Eliza Garnett, November 19th, 1835. To them were born one son and four daughters, viz: R. A. Brady, Mrs. J. J. Lillard, Mrs. Laura Carver, Mrs. John Scott, of this county, and Mrs. Logan Gaines, of Carroll county, all of whom survive him. Mrs. Brady died August 17th, 1849. His second marriage was to Mrs. Sarah Ingram, a sister of his first wife, February 9, 1850. This union was dissolved by the death of his wife, June 20th, 1878. His last marriage was to Miss Isabella Hill, September 20th, 1883, who survives him, and who has shared his joys and assisted him in carrying his burdens even to the close of life. He leaves eighteen grandchildren and nineteen great grandchildren
Brother Brady was a man who made an enviable history. As a husband, brother, father and grandfather, he was kind, loving and gentle. The testimony of those who were closely related to him is, that they never received a cross nor harsh word from him. As a neighbor and friend he was most self-sacrificing, congenial and true. As a citizen, he was of the highest type, loyal to himself, to his fellows and to his country, attending strictly to his own affairs but ever ready to assist in the affairs of others when called upon. His wisdom and general efficiency were recognized by the public, and he was often called to business positions of trust and responsibility. As a Christian he was one of God's noblest specimens.
He made a public profession of his faith in Christ and united with the Middle Creek Baptist church (now Bellevue) on the second Saturday in January, 1840. The church was not slow in recognizing his worth, so, in April, 1843, he was chosen as clerk. He filled this office continuously and efficiently until his death, a period of nearly fifty-four years. His church saw manifested by his talents for greater usefulness, and in February, 1854, he was elected to the office of deacon, which office he filled with credit to himself and perfect satisfaction to the church until the time of his death, covering a period of many years.
In every department of church work and worship, Bro. Brady was ever found in the first ranks. He was a judicious disciplinarian, a wise counselor in dealing with complicated questions, and most liberal in contributing his means for the furtherance of the cause which he so dearly loved. He was a faithful and active Sunday School worker, having taught several generations during his long career. The weather was nenver too hot nor too cold, too wet not too dry for Bro. Brady and his faithful wife to go to their church and Sunday School. Whenever he was able he was found in his pew on the Lord's day.
But the narrow limits of his church did not afford the only field of labor for him. He was an aggressive man in the work of his denomination. Neither could the circumscribed limits of one church contain his influence. The North Bend Association, of which he was a member, discovered his ability and elected him to the office of clerk in September, 1864. He filled the office with perfect satisfaction for thirty consecutive years,and was finally released from his work by his own urgent request.
Such a history is made by few men, and when such an one is brought to a close by the death of the noble character, O! what large vacancy is left in our midst. In the language of a brother who assisted me in a revival meeting, and who had the privilege, for the first time of associating with him in the work: "His silent presence was a benediction." But God Who is rich in mercy, and Who is ever ready to reward His people for faithful service, has said: "Come up higher," and Bro. Brady is now with his Savior in Paradise.
He died on the 29th day of December, 1896, Sebern Perry Brady, in the the 81st year of his age. ========== [This article first appeared in the Boone County Recorder, January 13, 1897, page 1, columns 2 & 3, under the title "A Good Man Gone." The article was signed at the bottom by "Pastor." It later appeared in the North Bend Baptist Association Minutes, 1897, pp. 14-15. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
S. P. Brady wrote a History of Middle Creek (now Bellevue) Baptist Church. Also A History of Dry Creek Baptist Church, Kenton County, KY. He wrote a Circular Letter in 1867 entitled: "Endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace." [Ephesians 4:3].
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