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     Editor's note: This history is in two sections. The first was located in segments in the files of the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association Office, Erlanger, KY. The second section was gleaned from the Minutes of the old Northbend Association from 1883-1904. - Jim Duvall

Beaver Lick Baptist Church
Boone County, Kentucky
[Old Building]

History of organization

     In September, 1881 the Baptist Church of Christ at New Bethel, Boone County, Kentucky appointed a committee of her members to secure a place for preaching in the vicinity of Beaver Lick, Boone County, Kentucky.

     As the Predestinarian Baptist Church of Mud Lick owned a meeting house at said place, which had been standing many years in an unfinished condition and was much dilapidated, an agreement was entered into by said committee and said Mud Lick Church, that New Bethel Church should repair and finish said house of worship and have full use and control of the same two Sundays in each month or one half the time; the Predestinarian Baptists having a like privilege. In case either party should cease to use the house, it should belong to the other; New Bethel having the right to convey said privilege to a church of her own faith and order when organized, but to move other. The agreement [was] reduced to writing, and signed by both parties.

     The house was therefore immediately repaired and painted at a cost of over four hundred dollars ($400.00). Preaching was kept up from time to time by L. Johnson, J. A. Kirtley and J. V. Riley during the summer of 1882 and 1883.

     In October, 1883 a meeting of twelve days continuance was held by L. Johnson (the pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church) which resulted in the baptism of eight persons, who with seventeen others were constituted as the "Baptist Church of Christ" at Beaver Lick, Boone County, Kentucky on the 3rd day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty three.

     In 1899, Bro. Samuel M. Adams [M.D.] was called as pastor of Beaver Lick Baptist Church; he was a local physician and a member of Big Bone at that time. A request was sent to Big Bone Baptist Church asking for his ordination. He was ordained to the full work of the Gospel Ministry at Big Bone Church, July 29, 1889.

     In 1900 the church had 167 members. That year they had 11 received into the church by baptism, one by letter from another Baptist church, and one by restoration. They had fourteen move to other Baptist churches by letter, eight were excluded, thirteen were erased and one member died. The pastor’s salary and other church expenses was $250.00 per year. The value of the church property was $1,000. Thirty-five dollars was given to missions and that amount was also given to the Orphans’ Home. Twenty dollars was given to Ministerial aid and $2 for the printing ministry. [Northbend Association Statistical Table]

Constitution of the Beaver Lick Baptist Church

     A meeting was held at Beaver Lick, Boone County, Kentucky, October 15th, 1883 by members of Baptist churches living in this vicinity, to take into consideration the propriety of organizing a Baptist church at this place.

     1st. The meeting was organized by choosing L. Johnson as Moderator and Dr. S. Adams [as] clerk. The following persons signified their desire to go into the organization.
     From New Bethel Baptist Church, Boone County, KY, - John S. Johnson, Nancy W. Johnson, Matthew W. Johnson, George W. Leoard [?], Susan Leoard, John W. English, Sarah E. English, Benj. J. Cleek, Hattie Griffith, Mary E. Coyle;
     From Walton Baptist Church - Burton L. Johnson, Louisa C. Johnson, John Thomas Johnson, James W. Eads, Bonnie T. Eads;
     From Big Bone Baptist Church - William W. Rouse;
     From Mt Zion Baptist Church, Grant County, KY - Kate Sleet, Mollie Franks Sleet;

     Also the following who had recently professed faith and received baptism by L. Johnson at this place - Eliza Ossman, Fannie Ossman, Maggie Polly, Lizzie Johnson, William Griffith, Marciclene Cleek, Margaret Slayback.
     2nd. It was agreed that the following persons meet on the 1st Saturday in November, 1883 for a permanent organization.
     3rd. Agreed that we send to New Bethel, Big Bone and Walton churches for helps to sit in council with us in said organization. John S. Johnson was appointed [as a messenger] to New Bethel, Burton S. Johnson to Walton and W. W. Rouse to Big Bone.
     4th. Agreed to have copies of the Articles of Faith and Rules of Decorum for each of the above named churches, from which to select our own.
     5th. No other business presented. Adjourned.
L. Johnson, Moderator

Beaver Lick Baptist Church Covenant

     Having been as we trust brought by divine grace, to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, and to give ourselves to Him, we do now solemnly and joyfully covenant with each other, to walk together in Him, with brotherly love, to His glory as our common love. We do therefore by His strength engage,

     1st That, we will exercise a Christian care and watchfullness over each other, and faithfully warn, exhort and admonish each other as occasion may require.
     2nd That, we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, but will uphold the public worship of God and the ordinances of His house.
     3rd That, we will not omit private and family religion at home, nor neglect the great duty of religiously training our children, and others under our care for the service of Christ and enjoyment of heaven.
     4th That, we will cheerfully contribute of our property, according as God hath prospered us, for the maintenance of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us, for the support of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel over the earth.
     5th We also agree to hold and maintain the following articles of Faith as clearly deductible from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, which are the Word of God, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice.


Beaver Lick Articles of Faith

     1st That there is one God, Who is known to us as Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Who is equal in essence, power, and eternity, and Whom we worship, as the only living and true God.
     2nd That man has fallen from his primeval sanctitude whereby he has incurred original sin and total depravity.
     3rd That there is an election of grace through the love of God in Christ Jesus.
     4th That sinners are called and regenerated by the effectual operation of the Holy Ghost.
     5th That justification is alone by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ through faith.
     6th That believers are the only proper subjects for baptism, and that to be administerd by immersion only.
     7th That believers thus baptized are the only proper communicants at the Lord's Table.
     8th That all who are regenerated will by grace through faith persevere to eternal glory.
     9th That Christ will judge the world at the last day, when the dead will arise, and the wicked go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.
     10th That a farther expression of our views is found in the Baptist Church Manual.

Beaver Lick Baptist Church Rules of Decorum

[The first page of these "rules" is not available.]

     Than that of brother, or speak more than twice in any matter of debate, without leave of the church.
     9th It shall be the duty of the Moderator to give the right hand of fellowship to all persons received as members, those by experience not to have the privilege of the church without baptism.
     10th The Moderator to have the same right to speak as any othe remember, provided his seat be filled, and only to vote when the church is equally divided.
     11th At the close of each business meeting the minutes shall be read and approved by the church, signed by the Moderator and attested by the clerk.


[This information is from the history files of the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association office.]


     The following information is from the Northbend Baptist Association Minutes from the years designated:

     Beaver Lick Baptist Church was constituted in 1883.

     The report in 1884 to the Northbend Baptist Association shows 2 members added by experience and baptism, 1 added by letter of recommendation, 2 dismissed by letter with a total membership of 26. The messengers from the church to the association were G. W. Hoard, Andrew Ellis, J. S. Johnson, W. H. Griffith, J. W. English and W. M. Rouse. The church contributed $2.00 for the printing of the association Minutes.

      In 1885 there were 7 additions by experience and baptism and 1 deceased with a total membership of 32. There was a $32.00 contribution to the German mission, $10 to the Orphans' Home and $2.00 for the printing of the Minutes. W. H. Griffith and Andrew Ellis were the messengers to the Associational meeting held at Belleview, Boone County.

     In 1886 the messengers were J. S. Johnson, W. H. Griffith, G. W. Sleet, G. N. Ossman, J. W. Cleek and Andrew Ellis. The Association met at Big Bone Baptist Church. W. B. Riley, who later became a famous pastor in Minneapolis, attended the sessions. The committee on Divine Worship appointed Amos Stout of Campbell County to preach the first night at Beaver Lick Baptist Church, so the association held their evening meeting there. Statistics are not available.

     In 1887 There were no additions or dismissions. The total membership was 41. Messengers to the Association were J. S. Johnson, W. H. Griffith, J. W. English, G. N. Ossman, G. W. Sleet, William Rouse and A. Stephenson.

     1888 - Messengers: G. N. Ossman and Andrew Ellis. Statistics are not available.

     In 1889 the messengers were J. S. Johnson, W. H. Griffith, Andrew Ellis, G. W. Hoard, H. Taylor, Geo. Ossman, Jos. Cleek and Geo. W. Sleet. There were 2 received by baptism, 2 by letter, 2 were dismissed by letter, 3 dismissed by exclusion, with a total membership of 58. $50.00 was given to Missions for the year, $12.00 to the Orphans' Home. There was $38.00 spent on the church building; $76 on church expenses and $2.50 for the printing of the Associational Minutes.

     1890 - Messengers were: S. M. Adams (an ordained minister), W. W. Smith, Lonnie Stepehenson and Andrew Ellis. An obitituary report was given and Sister Louisa T. Johnson from Beaver Lick died August 13, 1890. The statistics show: 7 baptisms, 14 added by letter, 2 excluded, 1 died, with a membership of 74. Fifty dollars were given to Missions, $25 to ministerial relief, $37 to the Orphans' Home, $70.50 spent on the church building, $153.00 on church expenses and $3.00 for printing the Associational Minutes.

      In 1891 the messengers were S. M. Adams [M.D.], W. H. Griffith, Geo. Ossman and Andrew Ellis. Professor A. T. Robertson, of the Southern Seminary in Louisville, was at this meeting and spoke of the need for the "Student's Fund." Beaver Lick pledged $20 to help preachers get an education. The Association pledged $250.00. Statistics: 8 added by baptism, 9 by letter, total: 91. Given to Missions $50.00, Ministerial Relief $20.00, Orphan's Home $40.00, Churches expenses $460.00, $3.00 for printing Minutes.

      The report in 1892 to the Northbend Baptist Association indicates that Beaver Lick was the host church, commencing on Wednesday, September 7. The church's messengers were: Dr. S. M. Adams, J. S. Johnson, Lonnie Stephenson, J. W. Cleek and W. H. Griffith. The Moderator appointed Dr. S. M. Adams, their pastor and the messengers of Beaver Lick Church a committee on divine worship. Visitors to this meeting were W. H. Whitsitt and W. P. Harvey, from Louisville, Ky, and Geo. E. Stephens of Cincinnati. Statistics showed 4 added by baptism, 5 by letter, 1 restored, 1 dismissed by letter and 4 members exlcuded. No deaths were shown in the stats, but in the Obitituary Report were: Charles B. Smith died in 1892, Mattie King and Fannie Ossmon also died; the exact dates are not given. The church gave $50.00 to Missions, $21.00 to Ministerial Relief, $30.00 to the Orphans' Home, $340.00 for Pastor's Salary (the first time a salary is listed) and Church expenses, $122.00 for Other Objects, $3.10 for printing Minutes.

     1893 - W. H. Griffith, F. M. Underhill and B. W. Adams were the messengers to the Association. The church clerks and their addresses are given: Andrew Ellis, P.O.: Beaver Lick, Ky. There were 6 added to the membership by baptism, 5 by letter of recommendation, 2 were restored, 3 were dismissed by letter, 1 was excluded and 2 deaths reported. Total members -ky.n 102. The church gave $50.00 to Missions, $20.00 to Ministerial Aid, $30.00 to the Orphans' Home, $20.00 to the Centennial Fund, $250.00 for Pastor's Salary and Church expenses, $20.00 for Students' Fund, $20.00 for Sunday School Expense, $3.00 for printing Minutes.

     In 1894 the messengers were Dr. S. M. Adams, W. H. Griffith, J. F. Lancaster, B. W. Adams and Geo. Ossman. The church's clerk was Geo. W. Ossman, P.O.: Beaver Lick, Ky. The statistics show: 21 added by baptism, 2 restored, 3 dismissed by letter, 2 excluded, 3 died. Membership was 117. The church gave $50.00 to Missions, $40.00 to the Orphans' Home, $20.00 to Ministerial Aid, $530.00 for Pastor's Salary and Church expenses, $15.00 for Sunday School Expense, $2.50 for printing Minutes.

     The report in 1895 indicates that Rev. S. M. Adams preached the Introductory Sermon, on the text of Romans 1:1. The messengers were J. S. Johnson, W. H. Griffith, G. W. Ossman, Wm. Rouse, Dr. S. M. Adams and G. W. Sleet. Dr. S. M. Adams was appointed to committees on Denominational Literature and State Missions. George Sleet was appointed to a committee on Nominations. The statistical Table showed: 1 addition by baptism, 5 by letter, 1 by relation (usually this means a person came from a church that had disbanded or couldn't be contacted), 1 dismissed by letter, 1 excluded, with a total of 123. The church's property was listed as valued at $1,200.00, the Pastor's salary was $200.00, church expenses were $300.00, Missions $50.00, Ministerial Education was $14.75, $40.00 to the Orphans' Home, $25.00 to the Ministerial Aid Society.

     1896 - James Lancaster, Dr. S. M. Adams, Joseph Cleek and T. Nuland were messengers. Stats: 1 added by baptism, 2 by letter, 6 dismissed by letter, 1 excluded, 8 died, with a total of 114. The Pastor's salary was $250.00, for Sunday School Expense $15.00, Missions $50.00, $40.00 for the Orphans' Home, $10.00 for building repairs, $12.00 for Ministerial Aid and $2.00 for printing Minutes.

     In 1897 J. B. Eldred, S. M. Adams, J. S. Johnson, Geo. W. Sleet, W. H. Griffith and G. W. Ossman were messengers to the Association meeting held at Big Bone. The stats are not available. The State Mission Board was asked to raise fifty thousand dollars for the coming year; the Northbend Associaiton was asked to try to raise $12,000 and for Beaver Lick it was proposed that they raise $13.75 per quarter.

     Minutes for 1898 are not available.

     1899 - Messengers were E. D. Grubbs, J. F. Lancaster, G. W. Ossman, W. H. Griffith and Henry Adams. The statistics for the year show: 13 baptized, 5 added by letter, 2 dismissed by letter, and 4 deaths. The total membeship was 190; Pastor's salary and Church expenses was $250 per year. Value of the church property was $1,500; contribution to misisons $32.50, Orphans' Home $20.00.

     1904 The Northbend Association met at Beaver Lick in September, 1904.


Boone County Baptists
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