Editor Baptist: - It having been some time since anything from this place appeared in the columns of The Baptist, and having been a reader of the same for thirty years or more, and also, seeing my subscription nearly expired, I betake myself to the task of dropping you a few dots, that you may know first that we all appreciate the dear old BAPTIST, which has never yet given an uncertain sound, and we trust never will; and also inform its many readers that we are all Baptists to the core here, though not all yet adopt the views of the editor in respect to communion, but all love THE BAPTIST and its veteran editor. The affairs of our State, from the reports of the Evangel are more hopeful now than for some time past, every department of Christian work being very well represented, and I do trust that the present outlook is the beginning of better times. We are hoping that the exceeding hardness of the times will soon pass off, and that this year we may be so fortunate as to secure your services in the delivery of the Lectures next fall. Many brethren of the surrounding churches have signified their willingness to turn out en mass with their families and friends to hear you once more; and right here let me remark that I believe our people will be a unit for church communion whenever it is their good fortune to hear you. All they want is instruction. Oh, may the time soon come when we all will see, eye to eye, on this question. To me it is quite clear that your views are altogether correct, on this subject, and the adoption of these views by all thinking Christians is, to my mind, only a matter of time, and a short time at that.  Now, about renewal. Don't ever drop my name from the list. I am not one of those who, taking hold of the plow, look back, so inclosed [sic] find $2 for renewal, and may the God whom we serve still bless you in the propagation of truth, and crown your last days as your best days is the wish of myself and family, all of whom read THE BAPTIST. Yours in love,
T. W. Quinn, Prattville, Ark. ========== [From The Baptist, June, 1882, June 3, 1882, p. 2. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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