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Salem Association of Presdinarian Baptists

The Salem Predestinarian Baptist Association in session with the church
at Little Hope, Owen Co., Ky., August 20th, 21st, and 22d, 1879,
to the Churches composing the same:

VERY DEAR BRETHREN: --While the past year has brought many changes in the world, also to us in our earthly relations, we are rejoiced to say that of faith and fellowship in the Gospel remains the same. In the kingdom of God there is no change, but the immutable God rules and does all His pleasure, and all things work under His appointment for the good of them that love him. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, are subject to many oppositions arising from self and sin and the powers of darkness, and we feel often that we must fall; but when faith assures us that all is held in complete subjection to the will of God, we can rejoice and glorify him. The inspired penman in exalted devotion cried, "The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice; let the inhabitants thereof be glad." Dear Brethren, while we can trust in the Lord so perfectly, we are encouraged to fight in the warfare, sure of victory through our Savior. We feel like calling your attention to the importance of maintaining good works. It is the command of the Dear Redeemer, and also the desire of every believer's heart, to walk worthy of this High Vocation, not for the selfish purpose of saving themselves, but to glorify God, Who has saved them with an everlasting Salvation. In thus showing forth the praises of God it is needful that we should adhere closely to the demands given in the Scriptures. Our own ways will not do to follow. God's commandments are the only rule. In order to glorify God it is needful that love should exist in the heart. If it be not there the professions of our lips and the outward professions of our forms or actions morally good will not be acceptable to Him Who searches the hearts and (unclear) the reasons of the children of men. Without the love of God all the forms that may be thrown around us will prove worthless, and all our professions of fellowship will be but mockery. Love is the foundation from whence all true obedience flows; and if love be in our hearts how sweet and easy it is to obey. Love worketh no ill to his neighbor. We cannot do better, Brethren, than to quote the words of the Apostle concerning charity or love: "Charity suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself; is not puffed up; doth not behave itself unseemly; seeketh not her own; is not easily provoked; thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things; hopeth all things; endureth all things; Charity never faitheth." --1 Corinthians, XIII, 4-8. It is also necessary that we should put on humility. How proud is the natural man and how full of vanity his thoughts. This leads to hatred and all manner of evil, but when clothed with the deep humility felt by the soul who has been convicted by God, how little room for trouble and strife there is. Each esteeming others better than himself, there can be no envy or jealousy, and no striving for the mastery; but each will be glad to see his brother exalted, and will even rejoice to take the lowest place. Where there is no humility there can be no strife. In conclusion may God give us grace that we may go on in every good work and glorify our Father which is in Heaven, and enable us to give all the glory of our Eternal Salvation to God and the Lamb, forever. Amen.

By order of the Association.

Eld. JOHN UNDERHILL, Moderator.

Attest: John W. Edwards, Clerk.

[The Circular was read and referred to a committee; the next day it was approved with "very slight changes." Minutes, page 2.]


[From the Associational Minutes, 1879. Document provided by Mrs. Elizabth Kirtley, Florence, KY. jrd]

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