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Madison Baptist Association (IN), 1864
"The Sabbath School"
     The very name should be melody in our ears. And O how it would rejoice our hearts, if we could know, that every brother and sister composing the churches of this Association felt deeply and acted earnestly, in the Sabbath School cause. Is it so small a thing in the hand of the Almighty, in the pulling down of the strong hold of sin and Satan, that professing christians should give it so small a place in their thoughts. Of all the instrumentalities occupying the minds of Christians, this one should have a prominent position. Should we not feel that it is a glorious privilege, to have a school in which our children can be taught the word of God, Sabbath after Sabbath? We ought to engage in the Sabbath School, because it keeps us from breaking the fourth commandment, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." If our thoughts and time were taken up as they ought to be in this delightful work, we would have but little time, and less inclination to break this commandment in visiting our neighbors and friends, talking about our farms, mills, stock, and other worldly matters. Yea, we would no[t] desire to sleep and wile away the precious moments of God's holy Sabbath, that we ought to remember and keep holy. We should engage in this desirable work, because we wo[u]ld exert an influence over Sabbath breakers. We ought to give ourselves to mediation and prayer; remembering that precious souls are saved through this instrumentality. O, what a delightful thought, that school, God's word is [not only] dispensed to the children, but the youth and middle-aged. Yea, fathers and mothers may learn in this school. Can we have an interesting Sabbath School carried on the year around in every church? We answer yes.

     First, let all the members of the church take hold, and hold on, feeling that they are not their own. If they have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus, they belong to him. Their time and property should be used for his glory and the good of peris[h]ing souls. Therefore, use as much of your time as is necessary to make the school interesting and profitable. If you would interest the children you must have tickets, papers, and all necessary books for the library, and forget not the Bell, or some other good singing book. But says one, what of [if] the children don't come. Never fear. But go forth with pleasant countenances, and gather and bring into your school all classes. Again, if you would prosper you must be regular in attendance not only every Sabbath, but never too late. Now you have a school organized in every church, with everything necessary to make an interesting Sabbath School. You should pray to God that he would make superintendant [sic] and teachers efficient, who with pleasure will talk to the school about Jesus, heaven, and all pertaining to immortal bliss. And by praying, laboring and trusting in God, blessings will attend your labors. Brothers, will you not engage in this work, O sisters, will not you lend us a helping hand? and fathers and mothers will you join us in this God-honoring and soul-saving work?


[From Madison Baptist Association Minutes (IN), 1864. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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