RECORDS OF THE BETHEL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Agreable to a resolution of the last Red River Association recommending a division & etc. The following churches met by messengers at the Mt. Gilead Meeting House, Todd County, Ky. on Friday, October 28th 1825. An introductory sermon was deliver by Eld. Isaac Hodgen, from the 133d Psalm, "How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
Elder William Warder was chosen Moderator, and Eld Sugg Fort, Clerk, pro-tem. - Letters from the following churches were received and read: The names of their messengers enrolled, and they formed themselves into a convention,to deliberate on the expediency or unexpediency of constituting a new Association.
On motion agreed that one member from each church be a committee to arrange the business for tomorrow. - whereupon the following brethren were appointed viz R. Ross, Wm. Warner, Wm. C. Warfield, J. B. Bernard, Ste. Trabue, Jesse Andrews, Wm. Deloach, J. Pendleton, L. Page, and H. Hatcher.CHURCHES MESSENGERS' NAMES Red River Sugg Fort, Wm. Deloach, Elias F Deloach S.C. West Fork Reuben Ross, I. L. Watkins & R. Tinsley Drakes Pond Jesse Andrews, Whitmil Fort, & W. W. Laprade Union Leonard Page, Drewry Poor & Thomas Foster Mt. Gilead Joseph Richison, Ste. Trabue, & Ben F. Edward Bethel James Kay, John Pendleton & Arch.d Buckner Little West Fork Ste. Mallory, Hy. Hatcher & Washington Lea New Providence Wm. C. Warfield, James Clark, & Armistead Slaughter.
Russellville William Warder and Samuel Owen. Pleasant Grove David I. Burke, John Wood, & Jesse B. Bernard.
adjourned till tomorrow
9 O'Clock A. M.Saturday, Octr. 29th met according to adjounment, prayer and praise by Eldr S. Fort. Eldr R. Ross was chosen Moderator, and Eldr S. Fort, Clerk.
1st. Visiting Brethren, in the ministry, were affectionately invited to take seats with us.
2nd. Requested Brethren Philip Warden, and Lewis Baldin to preach to the people today.
3d. The report from the committee of arrangement was received and the committee discharged.
4th. The following churches resolved, now, to form themselves into an association, and to be known by the name of the Bethel Baptist Association. Whereupon the messengers from the Russellville and Union churches withdrew.
On motion agreed, that one member from each church be a committee to arrange the business for tomorrow, - whereupon the following Brethren were appointed, viz. R. Ross, Wm. Warder, Wm. C. Warfield, J. B. Bernard, Ste. Trabue, Jesse Andrews, Wm. Deloach, J. Pendleton, L. Page, & H. Hatcher.
Adjourned till tomorrow
9 o'clock A.M.Saturday Octr. 29th met according to adjourment, prayer and praise by Eld. S. Fort. Eld. R. Ross was chosen Moderator, and Eld. S. Fort, Clerk.
CHURCHES MESSENGERS' NAMES CONTRIBUTION Red River Sugg Fort, Wm. Deloach, Elias F. Deloach. $1.00 S. C. West Fork Reuben Ross, Isham L. Watkins, Ranson Tinsley $1.00 Drakes Pond Jesse Andrews, Whitmil Fort, Wm. W. Laprade $1.00 Mt. Gilead Joseph Richiuson, Ste. Trabue, Benj. F. Edward $2.00 Bethel James Kay, John Pendleton, Arch.d Bickner $2.00 Little W. Fork Stephen Malloy, H. Hatcher, W. Lea $1.00 New Providence Wm. C. Warfield, Jas. Clark, Arm.d Slaughter $2.00 Plea. Grove D. I. Burks, J. Wood, J. B. Bernard $1.00
The following Churches were received by petitionElkton John S. Wilson, Wm. Dillard $1.00 Lebanon Isaiah H. Boone, Sam Boone $1.25 Mt. Zion Robert Rutherford, Thos. T. Railsback $1.00 $14.255th Resolved, that we adopt the constitution, abstract of principles, & Rules of Decorum of the Red River Association, as the plan & form of our government.6th Resolved that the same Moderator & Clerk serve in the Association.
7th Requested Elder Warfield and Hodgen to preach tomorrow. Divine Service at 11 O'Clock A. M.
8th Resolved that our next Association be held at Bethel Meeting house, Christian County, Ky., to commence on Saturday before the first Lord's day in September next.
9th Appointed Bro. Stephen Trabue, Treasurer, and that he call on the Treasurer of the Red River Association for our portion of monies now in his hands.
10th Appointed Bro. A. Buckner & W. Fort a committee of finance who reported that contributions were received to the amount of $11.20 Kentucky - and $3 Ten. money.11th The clerk is requested to superintend the printing of 500 copies of these minutes, with the Constitution & Abstract of Principles annexed, and distribute them according to the number of members in each Church.
12th Appointed Elders Reuben Ross, Wm. Tandy & Sugg Fort, a committee to write a circular letter for next Association.
13th Requested Elder R. Ross to preach the Introductory sermon at our next Association, in case of failure, Elder Sugg Fort.
Adjourned with praise & prayer by Elder John S. Wilson.
Sugg Fort, Clerk.
Reuben Ross, Moderator.